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Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:35 pm
by Quintoz
I think that theifs should be able to rob poeple by just looking at them.. that would be good.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:43 pm
by Glarundis
Robbing indies in town didn't make them useless directly, that just made it so that they were nerfed and therefore became useless.
tsk tsk...

To clarify, did they loot clothes that were in backpack or clothes that people were wearing (i think it was never possible?)?
If it was clothes in the backpack, it should be put back to what it was, even if it makes stealing too good. It's only good when the rare opportunity arises, and if there are so many people walking around with indies in their backpack, well, they deserve it

Unless of course, we are talking about situations that fall under the asshole rule.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:37 pm
by Tyriul Thorne
Council system for towns, not just one mayor/lord but allow communities to run a town (maybe have effects on what vendors sell, towns can agree with each other to not sell certain items to create an economy).

Council is responsible for hiring town guards and outlawing certain people (not necessarily fighting crime themselves but just voting on who is welcome etc).

With the above, revamped religion system. Take religion away from Law/Rebels (Imp) and nature/tek and make it two similar religions with slightly different beliefs. Then allow each council to adopt are religion per town etc etc.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:00 am
by Glarundis
I like all 4 religions and wouldn't delete them.
The big problem I think is about having one kingdom per religion (4 kingdoms) or have kingdoms be independent of religions.
I think it would go like, in terms of kingdom, it's either Lord British/Lord Blackthorne/Independent city(be it outlaws, rebels, or not)

Nature would be allowed in both kingdoms? They don't want to war political parties or religions, they just want to maintain the balance of life and therefore they just want to be against tekstone.
Tekstone not allowed in any kingdom. They want to destroy everything and plague everyone who doesn't follow Dennac. But what if they want to conquer cities? Shouldn't they be allowed to have their own kindgom?

The perfect solution would be having a scripter that could do anything, and so everything was up to players. Anything could happen. Religions in different cities, different religions in same city, kingdom having opposing religions in some of its cities leading to civil wars, etc.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:22 am
by Mike
The problem with your idea is that kingdowns are artificial and run by staff while religions are run by players. It's better to have religions control land because it allows the player base more opportunities get involved.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:13 am
by Darian Darkmind
Mayor and town control system - either through war or by vote.

Mayor (aka town) able to choose which religion and king they are loyal to, if any.

Player NPC vendors boughtable from mayors - part of the goods' price goes to town treasury.

Two religions.

My 80 piety back.

Some sort of scripted quest-like champion instances, that requires visiting many dungeons, gathering different 'reagents' to summon a champion, which then gives rare extremely good artefacts. There used to be a way to summon these hardcore monsters that gave special coloured items (+20/+40 skill clothes etc), but was very soon removed and items deleted after we grinded them.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:16 am
by Boris
Darian Darkmind wrote:My 80 piety back.
If you wish to see the old piety system, you'll be playing with... lets see... 30 piety. Same thing with 70% of the playerbase and 95% of Imperial/Tekstone.

- Boris

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:48 am
by Quintoz
Boris wrote:
Darian Darkmind wrote:My 80 piety back.
If you wish to see the old piety system, you'll be playing with... lets see... 30 piety. Same thing with 70% of the playerbase and 95% of Imperial/Tekstone.

- Boris
The old system would be better in the long run, even tho nobody can see it now becouse they are blinded with thier huge 40 piety.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:10 am
by Boris
Quintoz wrote:The old system would be better in the long run, even tho nobody can see it now becouse they are blinded with thier huge 40 piety.
There problem is that for some reason there was a piety system change in the past. After you boys have had it easy for three years, it's hard to go back to the original system. If everyone rather go to the old system, it can be done. In wich case, you should all know the consequences.

We'll be seeing only HP's with big piety, a handful of players with 40 and others with 30. The possibility to reach 50-60 as non-HP is a long road of 2-3 years of active playing. Not to mention 70-80.

- Boris

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:28 am
by Darian Darkmind
I agree that the priests of today have gotten their piety for free, simply by either being a HP or a trustee. Which is lame and, imo, unfair to us who actually worked their ass off for it. Which is also one reason why I can't be bothered playing.

However, I earned my 80 piety the hard way after 6-7 years of playing. And had Tekstone not been deleted, I would of never changed to Law.