What would you want to do IG?

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Re: What would you want to do IG?

Post by Nymphea »

the point is to have something else to do, rather than just making usual stuff on your merchant ;)
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Re: What would you want to do IG?

Post by Andoriel »

Nymphea wrote:I'd like to find adventurer's guild quests more expanded...

Like static quests that requires gathering up materials or something like that and in the end receive a nice prize - could be only a piece of scroll with saying 'Congratulations, you've done the quest'.
Maybe even enigma quests. Something that doesn't need to clean whole dungeon, things that can be done on merchants as well.
well as long as its not wow style "do the quest and get big bad fat sword" I see no problem with the idea. Decoration items can be given through these quests(add dawns music box allready!).
As for merchant quests, i dont think they will work well unless there are some quests that will require merchant along with fighters. Like fighter gathers the material through killing "Abucettin Killibacak"s and those special materials used by the merchants to craft "Wand of enlargement" to finish quests.
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Re: What would you want to do IG?

Post by Wolfie »

Nymphea wrote:the point is to have something else to do, rather than just making usual stuff on your merchant ;)
OK makes some sense :D but isn't this why we are allowed 5 characters so we can chose what we want to do? (for RP reasons i do understand your point now)

Decorations :O i like the idea :D
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Re: What would you want to do IG?

Post by Alcaeus »

It would be cool to have something that gave Forensic Eval more use. Could use that in conjunction with the adventurers guild that someone brought up? maybe some sort of murder mystery quest.

You could also have some sort of headhunter thing, provide the evidence of you killed a certain amount of a specified mob, could have some kind of scoreboard like the jhelom arena thing, for the top headhunters this idea could be as simple or as complex as people cared to make it. It could even just be set up with players and kept track on the forums.

Forensic eval for the most part seems currently just to show off whos got the bigger "sword".
Unless I'm doing it wrong.
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Re: What would you want to do IG?

Post by Hilda »

It actually has some other useful use.
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Re: What would you want to do IG?

Post by Alcaeus »

I don't mean it's useless :( just that it would be a skill you could do some really interesting stuff to enhance gameplay ^_^
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Re: What would you want to do IG?

Post by Zendrick »

forensic evaluation has an actual useful use?
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Re: What would you want to do IG?

Post by Vaux27 »

Zendrick wrote:forensic evaluation has an actual useful use?

Basically for bragging rights on who dealt the last blow on a big mob, or a bad ass pvp'er.
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Re: What would you want to do IG?

Post by Quintoz »

It can also be used as IG proof, for example if 1 blue robs another blue you can get the proof from corpse that that guy did indeed deal the last blow and Law can take action.

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Re: What would you want to do IG?

Post by Breg »

Wrestling and fencing could have disarm functions, aswell as Macefighting and swordsmanship being able to stun or drain the victims stamina. its atleast better then just hack and slash.. ofcourse they'd be a small chance and you'd have to be 100%

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