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Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:47 pm
by Palma
Why am I being selfish? I just don't want to get killed and looted by 3Ders. Stuff costs time to get ya know. As far as I care you can all fight each other :D

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:52 pm
by Wolfie
Ima just be the one to say that I have suggested numerous times for an area specifically for dryloot.... So maybe we can all push for that and make the requirements 2D only and have better mobs and stuff there simple as that imo.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:38 pm
by Kent Strider
If I am on 2d getting chased down by someone on 2d in Europe they are going to run me down and slaughter me.
If I am on 3d and they are on 3d they are going to run me down and slaughter me.
If I am on 3d and they are on 2d I am going to run them down and slaughter them.
If I am on 2d and they are on 3d rofl omg what happened?

The fix needs to be server side.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:07 pm
by Palma
Good point hehe :) No point arguing, server side!

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:26 pm
by Quintoz
Well Kent.. let's be honest "If I am on 3d and they are on 2d I am going to run them down and slaughter them. " that's never going to happen.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:51 pm
by Andoriel
honestly from my past pvp experience Euro on 3d and me on 3d is better then me on 2d euro on 2d...
This topic is starting to turn into...hell just watch the video"Who Is That Pokemon?!"

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:59 pm
by Darian Darkmind
If I am on 3d and they are on 3d they are going to run me down and slaughter me.
You are correct. If we use 3d against your 3d, we're gonna run you down.

What I don't understand though, that if we can run you down with 3d vs 3d, and the same happens with 2d versus 2d...
If I am on 2d getting chased down by someone on 2d in Europe they are going to run me down and slaughter me.
... then why on earth can't we all use 2d? You said it yourself, the conclusion, the out-come is the same no matter which client you and we use. However if you use the ugly 3d, we are forced to use it as well. No one wins. Why not use the nice 2d instead with the same out-come?

The only difference is we can all enjoy a better-looking game rather than the butt-ugly 3d client.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:08 pm
by Andoriel
on 3d I can run actually lag free and smoothly, on 2d we have lag spikes even 10 step.
Speed difference between 3ds are alot less then speed difference between 2ds. Soo I can race people on 3d. 2d its not possible due to lag spikes, that is why ;)
Honestly just like old 3.00 client, 3d runs heck alot smoother then 2d regarding lag. Hell I think they might even be on par regarding speed. So Its not just the extra speed it allows makes it good, its the ability to run smooth and lag free
I don't know much about the technical details BUT I think 3.00 client sends less info to server? Do does 3d client?

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:09 pm
by Edward Sinclair
Maybe everyone will understand if us europeans all make robbers and rob with 3D daily everywhere all the time. Our 3D will pwn your 3D.
I experienced this a few years ago when the first few users of the 3D client were robbers (Hint: irony). When I realised this, I also adopted the 3D client in response and made it my default client in PvM (ugliness was compensated with reduced lag- too good to pass up). Later, a few other Law members began using the 3D client and the whining grew louder. I tried to be fair on a 2D robber (they were quite rare at the time) as I wouldn't loot them- I'd RP a warning, they would grab their stuff and leave. I don't trust the majority of the player base to do the same. I seldom engage in PvP, I'm not fond of it- which means you have another 3D lamer out of your way :)

Another thing we need to take into account is that we're playing a game that's a decade old, runs on a shared internet connection on a home PC for FREE. Non-EU players suffering from lag is to be expected.
then why on earth can't we all use 2d? You said it yourself, the conclusion, the out-come is the same no matter which client you and we use. However if you use the ugly 3d, we are forced to use it as well. No one wins. Why not use the nice 2d instead with the same out-come?
Generally, the outcome is the same in PvP but not in PvM. I also think the issue has been oversimplified. But seeing as this topic is about PvP and not PvM (though PvP can be the end result of robbers trying to rob a person who's hunting using the 3D client), I will go hide in my corner now.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:25 pm
by Aerius
Lovely weather we're having, isn't it?