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So, how did you come up with that name?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:47 pm
by Kent Strider
As the title says!

Kent Strider, well I always liked Superman so Kent came from "Clark Kent", Strider just popped in my head as I had just played the game "Strider" like an hour before that.

Thomas Thatcher, well I stole the name William Thatcher from "A Knight's Tale" and Ivy changed my first name to Thomas :)

Holger Pious, well Mitzy thought of the name Holger when she was still Marcella Pious, and he was Marcella's son IG, so thats that.

Ritz Breyers, this was my cooks name. If you think about food real hard then look at my name you should get it.

Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:58 am
by Diam Larkei

Diam is the name of a french raper(woman)...yaya Diam is a girl name :D

Larkei...Zero shouted that name over imp map

Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:18 am
by Breg
Breg was... a typo... was supposed to be Greg.. but I was waaaaay drunk..

Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:23 am
by Geryn Farodae
Geryn Farodae is a character in my novel, The Sorcerer's Dilemma. Only in the novel, he's a Paladin of the Order of Syrio. He's one of my favourite characters, so I thought I would have him for Ultima.

Maverick, I always liked the name from Tom Cruise's "Top Gun" I wish I could have my old blacksmith back...

Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:42 am
by Mag'etherian
Fang-Qui Droma:

Fang-Qui was taken from a dragon I met once in Destard on another shard and have used it since on random characters. The last name I believe comes from an old old UO buddy from way way way back in the day. Just thought I'd ressurect it since there was always some sick RP with him. :)

Beowulf Brisbane:

I've used this name since 1999 when I first seen the movie Beowulf with Christopher Lambert, the guy from the original Highlander movies with Sean Connery. Not the TV series wanna-be. :P Brisbane was just added cause I thought they went good together, then I found out it was an actual city or town in Australia. Rofl... my friends in high school used to say "So.. you wanna Be-A-Wolf eh?" :)


Qual.. originally taken from an NPC in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction named Qual-Kehk. Kehji.. yeah pretty easily mixed a couple letters into it and came up with Qual-Kehji. Seemed fitting for a barbarian name.

That's all for now. Currently due to that 4 month setback however, only Fang-Qui Droma exists as my new barbarian instead of Qual. Wish I had of used my old name though. XD

Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:45 am
by Quintoz
Marcus - Becouse it coulden't be Marcus Talius Cicero or Marcus Tiberius, hrm!! *Angry face*.

I don't really have any other chars.

Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:40 am
by Ovinnik
Ovinnik is a really really old nickname I practically used in almost every game I ever played from RPG to shooting games in the last 10 years or maybe even more. If you open wikipedia and type Ovinnik you'll get an explanation why I love this nickname:
" The Ovinnik is a malevolent spirit of the threshing house in Slavic folklore. He is prone to burning down the threshing houses by setting fire to the grain. To propagate him, peasants would offer him roosters and bliny. On New Year's Eve, the touch of an Ovinnik would determine their fortune for the New Year. A warm touch meant good luck and fortune, while a cold touch meant unhappiness. "

This spirit was mainly characterized as a Black Cat with Green eyes. Now you can have a good guess why I have this nickname ;)

Even few good friends sometimes call me jokingly by my gaming-name Ovinnik, so yeah it kind of sticked on me.
"OVINNIK: The Protector of Barns - If you see a black cat-like figure with glowing eyes which barks like a dog, keep away from the barns. Unless you've come to fill up his milk bowl." :D

For Zaltarius Gem I was inspired by the name Dr.Gaius Baltar from the TV series Battlestar Galactica. Somehow I was trying to get a name that sounds as good as his and came up with Zaltarius (a mix between Gaius Baltar and aquarius). No I'm not an aquarius by horoscope. Gem because he's a good worker and good looking, and he doesn't bother others for his taming trips, he just runs and runs, uses his ship and moongates.

Huron was my main char's (Ovinnik's) right hand when I was playing Baldur's Gate :P Had few other stupid names for henchman there too, but Huron with his skills was the only really helpful and saved my ass many times. This is kinda tribute to him.

Diafan Tiamas, well Diafan is an old-Greek word for 'transparent'. Dias or Dia-positives might sound more familiar. I used this nickname also a very long time ago when I was playing the game DeltaForce. Tiamas is after Tiamat, a band I always loved. I decided to use it also because "ti-ama" in Italian would mean "he loves you", I thought it is a funny surname for a priest with stoning and malediction ^^


Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:37 am
by Mike
Alus Vitellus is a variation of Aulus Vitellius.

He was the third Emperor in the Year of Four Emperors. He defeated Otho's legions and was recognized as Emperor by the Senate when he marched into Rome shortly thereafter. However, Vespasian had gained command over many legions in the eastern parts of the empire and won the loyalty of most of the others, making Vitellius' time on the throne short. He is rumored to have wanted to abdicate in favor of Vespasian, but instead was murdered by his own Praetorians.

I chose the name because after remvong the second 'i' it sounds pretty aweseome.

Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:49 pm
by Uzriel Raven
Uzriel Raven, It began as Usrel, but I had it changed because it was the name of a goddess. Charha helped me come up with Uzriel. I just smacked Raven onto it.

Lee Daniels, it used to be Lee Scoresby, wanted to see if I could get away with it. Long story short, nope.

Phiona, I like the name Phiona.

Dante Belgrave, I like the name Dante because it just sounds cool(Cough), Belgrave was random.

Dias Strife, Dias Flac, Cloud Strife.

That's that.

Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:18 pm
by Karidis
Karidis - was looking at the 2004 europien football magazine and I was at the Greek team pages, and Karidis poped in my head, btw some greek peeps told me that Karidis means nut chest or something like that.

Sebastian - donno really just liked the name that time for a smith

Strata - a bands name......well I noticed it way after.... *hope I wont need to change name after all this years*. and yeh go google it

Sartis - this one was random too, I was trying to make names and this one sounded better.