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Things you should know about portugal
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:47 pm
by Arthur White
Specially finish people.
It's a nice video
Re: Things you should know about portugal
Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 12:17 am
by Luciano
This video only makes me think why you even need a bailout?
Re: Things you should know about portugal
Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 12:34 am
by Arthur White
Because the EU took the good things we had and gave it to other countries. Yeh! We have lots of sea, great. It's explored by spain, and other countries cause of the quotas the EU established. That's one example of how EU really helped us out... Of course we were given money, but they destroyed the basis of what goods we could export. Fishing, agriculture were the areas that the EU made cuts and so alot of what we produced stopped production because of the EU quotas... But not everything is EU fault. Alot of our governors just know how to put some in their pockets and of their friends pockets and don't care a thing about what's the state of the country.
Re: Things you should know about portugal
Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:27 am
by Glarundis
it's true, portugal did some great things in the past
and yes, some of the fault now belongs to the government
but really, EU sucks and it just ties our hands regarding productivity
it's true, portugal invents a lot of shit that is used world-wide, so atleast we have some good things
but some of the things here are totally unimportant and feels more like a desperate "hey someone look at us please!we have good things!"
wtf does it matter if portugal is bigger than denmark and netherlands together?....
Re: Things you should know about portugal
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:04 pm
by Mandos
Sorry my comments, but:
You are like US, a country of third world. You are in the Europe just for a chance.
Hockey on patins? bahhh
C. Ronaldo Better than Ronaldinho? huaahauhauhuaha just if getting girls. (C. Ronaldo não joga porcaria nenhuma e é mó firulero.)
You must to compare when he playing between 1997 - 2002.
And i'm certain which the standard life in Finland is so much better than Portugal.
My borthers portugueses =D
Sorry for the bad english.
Re: Things you should know about portugal
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:29 am
by Maximilian Lhoth
I think the culture in southern europe is different, at least greece works like this from what I've heard:
1) the state must give people a high standard of living even if it means borrowing sheytloads of money
2) the people will revolt violently if this doesn't happen
3) it's a common tradition to not pay taxes (in italy at least, not sure about greece), it's like internet piracy in finland, everyone does it, it's no big deal
Countries like Romania and Bulgaria are not asking for assistance even tho they're like the "worst" in EU. They don't borrow money they can't pay.
And this leads to trouble
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
This does NOT mean everyone in southern europe is like that, just substantially bigger portion of people compared to northern europe. This is based on what I've heard. Someone like Berlusconi could never be a prime minister here.
Re: Things you should know about portugal
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:49 am
by Glarundis
You are partially right. About I'd say, 75% right.
In terms of corruption and things like Berlusconi, the northern countries are far far far better than the southern. But you lack in terms of people's social skills
The probem with Portugal is the people are stupid, and we had a dictatorship up until 1974. So after that, people got used to the "freedom" and "freedom" meant doing whatever the f*** they think they can and not worry about it.
Then, there's a lot of corruption going on, and either the government is corrupt, or they're the most dumb people I've ever seen. One of the things is borrowing money you know you can't pay, or letting it go to that point.
Yes, it's a fact that people avoid paying taxes. Not people in general, that must pay it, but companies, restaurants, in general, the commercial area. There are a lot of trouble with our fiscal system, so shit happens.
I don't know why it is like this here, but it annoys me. I know that there's an international crysis, yada yada, but that does not justify it. All I know is, if it keeps like this, revolutions are coming, not just in Portugal, but everywhere.
Maybe that revolution will happen in December 2012
Re: Things you should know about portugal
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:54 am
by Maximilian Lhoth
Glarundis wrote:You are partially right. About I'd say, 75% right.
In terms of corruption and things like Berlusconi, the northern countries are far far far better than the southern. But you lack in terms of people's social skills :P
I think this phenomenon has roots far in the past. Where finns had to struggle to store the little food we could grow in this cold climate, for winter, the people in the southern countries could take it easy as the winter was not that harsh and food was plentiful. That led to neuroticism and maybe the neuroticism explains our social awkwardess =)
It's been scientifically proven that africans lack neuroticism compared to people of the north.
sorry for being an evil racialist =)
Re: Things you should know about portugal
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 1:09 am
by Glarundis
well, climate affects things like agriculture, which comes to affect social problems/bounties, which over the ages affects culture, which blablablalalalbla affects the way people are at the moment.
Here in Europe people are all crysis here crysis there, but you don't see that in African/Southern American countries.
Atleast my brother was in Brazil for 6 months and he said the biggest difference is that they know there's a crysis but that doesn't let them become depressed. They are confident they can go through, they look for work if they must, etc etc. Instead of complaining.
Re: Things you should know about portugal
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 1:20 am
by Maximilian Lhoth
Glarundis wrote:Hehe :)
well, climate affects things like agriculture, which comes to affect social problems/bounties, which over the ages affects culture, which blablablalalalbla affects the way people are at the moment.
Here in Europe people are all crysis here crysis there, but you don't see that in African/Southern American countries.
Atleast my brother was in Brazil for 6 months and he said the biggest difference is that they know there's a crysis but that doesn't let them become depressed. They are confident they can go through, they look for work if they must, etc etc. Instead of complaining.
Uhgh, thinking of these things makes me wanna say politically incorrect stuff, so I keep quiet =)
Lack of neuroticism leads to optimism and fearlessness, to say it nicely - but also it leads to inability to critical thinking