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To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:46 am
by Palma
How about we sign a deal before the whole mess starts?

I can (not) understand why some players use 3D, lag issues etc. But we still all agree it's not fair, let alone lame.
As pvpers that we are, and that's where our fun focuses, no point in denying there... I suggest we do an agreement with the specifications below:

-Small scale fights such as a tekstone encountering two laws or similiar, accordingly to the agreement, if the laws or the tekstone are using 3D, the 3D user(s) must, for respect reasons, say he's on a fast horse, giving the opportunity for the 2D users to decide whether they want to fight or not. If the 2D users decide they do not want to fight, the 3D user must let him leave.
Example: The tekstone is 2D, and the two laws are 3D, the laws must say they are on a fast horse, and allow the tek to leave if he decides to.
Let it be clear that the tek can still come back with his buddies, but RP attack must be made again. For the laws let him leave before and did not engage in battle.

-Big scale fights, when these start, it's very hard to do these kinds of chatter in the game. So by the point it reaches a big scale, one member of each will go to the mid path between the "safe" areas of each combatant group, and wait there saying something like "TERMS!".
Example: Laws are below despise at their guards, teks are above with telboreans at their guards, A tekstone member goes to the mid way, 4 laws come and begin to attack him in the heat of the battle. The tek yells "TERMS!", the laws will stop and chatter about fast horses will begin.
If there's anyone in a fast horse, he must be mentioned by the two oponnent leaders. If the other leader says he does not want to fight fast horses, either the fast horse leaves the battle, or the whole group goes back home.

-Should any of these respect rules be broken, the 3Ders side must return the items to the victim. Or face their HP/Leader.
Of course that, if two teks arrive to a law, and the law begins to run immediately without letting the teks tell him they are on fast horses. Then the kill is legit.

This is a pact between respectful pvpers, and an agreement between us all. Specially the leaders. This is meant for us all to remove the lameness between our fights and keep it fun.

What say you?

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:37 pm
by Edward Sinclair
As pvpers that we are
Please bear in mind not everyone in a religion is a PvPer.
Should any of these respect rules be broken, the 3Ders side must return the items to the victim. Or face their HP/Leader.
I'm not against the idea you are proposing, but it seems your proposal gives more privileges to PvPers, those being robbed may not have this luxury. Personally I would never wander outside of town w/o the 3D client- though my connection is quick, it's still unstable and the 3D client compensates for this (I also enjoy being able to run 2-3 tiles quicker per second when moving around). In a way you might be relieved to hear that I don't like engaging in PvP (as I'm a heavy 3D user), it wouldn't be a big relief as I'm not a good PvPer in the first place :P

Overall I think this idea is fine as the outcome of a battle will be determined by skills and numbers rather than the speed of your horse- it might also make the battles a bit more fun. But this still doesn't do much for those who play from abroad but I'm sure exceptions can be made for them.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:48 pm
by Palma
You gave a good point there, even though the deal ain't for people being robbed, it wouldn't be fair something like this:
Bob the Telbo is robbing Noob1
PoliceOfficer comes and halts Bob
Bob says he's on a fast horse
PoliceOfficer leaves.

This is not right lol :P

We need to find a solution here, but I'm sure we'll manage.

I know not everyone is a pvper, but nox and telbos are for sure, Teks that engage in battles are as well. And All laws have to be by nature(with few exceptions of course). And that's the four to whom this proposal goes to :) I'm not greedy as to try the whole shard not to be lame :roll:

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:16 pm
by Orin
In the fight agenst the Listed groups we can agree to this, but it must be understood, this will only be a warning to those on 2d, and if they should stay then they agree to it and they cant whine later that so and so was on 3d i should get my stuff back.

And just for the record should you run across Orin of Law in the game he will ALWAYS
be on 3d. so now you know and cant whine if i forget to tell you.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:22 pm
by Palma
Of course, if they stay and fight then you can fight them on 3D. If they choose to leave, you let them. That's the idea. Now if they stay and fight, there's no returning stuff. We are agreeing not to be lame here.

I guess we can also list for everyone in these 4 groups, everyone who say will ALWAYS be on 3D (without incognito).

Thanks for showing initiative Orin. We are 1/4 closer to interesting clean and challenging fights.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:27 pm
by Aznar
I for one will ALWAYS be on 2D cause i hate the way the 3D client looks and feels.

This might change if i keep getting outrunned by people i'm trying to fight though, but I hope i won't have to.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:53 pm
by Balu
Is it impossible to make a script so steeds run slower with 3D clients?

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:02 pm
by yuusou
Balu wrote:Is it impossible to make a script so steeds run slower with 3D clients?
That's stupid, because Amuuuuuuuricans and Bieberians need 3D to run as fast as 2D Europeans.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:06 pm
by Simmo
Their 3d runs fasters than european 2d.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:13 pm
by Darion al'Ferran
Exorsus Nox will accept this 2D pact and wont be using 3D at all.