Updated looting rules

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Update the looting rules?

Total votes: 52

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Re: Updated looting rules

Post by Houston »

Kenyon Ahearn wrote:theres a point when either side has taken enough supplies to make the other unable to continue.

Exactly, took the words out of my mouth.

Re: Updated looting rules

Post by Biggy »

hmm seems a little half hearted but this would be good progress to seeing some serious rules. instead of gold and gems......

Also I donnot agree with people who are saying no magical items to be looted this is just protecting your greed. cloths are the main econemy now on pangaea, now that armors/weapons are not having to be replaced. If you dont belive me just look at for sale section.
Kenyon Ahearn
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Re: Updated looting rules

Post by Kenyon Ahearn »

I'd say its greedy wanting to be able to steal clothing, not wanted to keep them. Inversley I could say it's jealousy.

Just because cloths transfer from one person to another, doesn't mean the enecomy will improve. It's merchant crafted items that need to be looted.

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Re: Updated looting rules

Post by Biggy »

ok ken. so those cloths that arnt needed or transfered from player to player though pvping all happen to end up in a chest? ive seen alot of cloths in the past that are sold on soon after they are taken though force from the original character.

"It's merchant crafted items that need to be looted." - iagree totally but why take something worth 10,000 gold to something worth 150,000 gold..... Im done now i've said all that needs to be said imo.
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Re: Updated looting rules

Post by Kenyon Ahearn »

Because the person may have found the coths he is wearing yet cannot afford to loose them to some random idiot. Merchant crafted items, other than auro etc ar eless than 100k usually.

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Re: Updated looting rules

Post by Biggy »

Kenyon Ahearn wrote:may have found the coths he is wearing yet cannot afford to loose
I think you dont understand kenyon it dosent matter if they can or can't afford to, wish or wish not to be robbed its a random event in the game which your either sucessful or royally f****d. Thats what made it so exciting.
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Re: Updated looting rules

Post by Kenyon Ahearn »

Tbh It's not exciting loosing all your best gear outnumbered 4 vs 1. It's more of a rage quit situation. What IS exciting is PVP in which you CHOOSE to loose gear/have the opportunity to gain gear.

I'm sorry but thats the truth, tell me anyone who enjoys loosing indy's.

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Re: Updated looting rules

Post by Sherrod »

How about this rule;

You cannot take anything with a value less than 50% of your own.

This means if you're wearing 100k worth of gear you can only take items worth 50k or more. For example if the victim only had radlius platemail and a lunar maul and you robbed him wearing daemonskulls and an onyx spear you cannot take anyhting but his money and gems. If, however, you kill him and his items in total are worth over 50k you can dryloot.

We all know what the prices are here on Pangaea and this would mean either a) you dress up in your best gear to be sure you wont die and can rob rich people only, or b) you dress up in crappy gear and can rob anyone almost but they stand a chance to put up a fight.

Robbers MUST have proof of what they have looted, anyone found to be abusing are subject to serious consequences?
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Re: Updated looting rules

Post by Esmeralda »

Kinda complicated.

How about this rule:
- What´s in the poll allows fights to stop after one side won, so yay.
- Everyone who wants to save the economy and not yoink for his own benefit, go play UOGamers Hybrid or so. You can train your char in 10 hours completely, loot all you want, don´t need to talk at all and not follow any other of our 100 rules.
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Re: Updated looting rules

Post by Ivan »

Here is an idea for you:

All clothes magical or not possible to newbified
Full looting allowed

This would be perfectly what i would love to see :D i dont care about gear but i care about clothes ;)

EDIT: and some peoples might not have noticed but clothes got also condition they can break too
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