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Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:33 pm
by Talerco Pious
Vaux27 wrote:
Kat Asherstone wrote:
Vaux27 wrote:No offense, but please stop posting Kat. You're spamming and have no clue what you're talking about regarding Boris. You're obviously upset still, your rants were evident. Let the topic go back to original ground.
Do'Brim shouldn't be asking for Boris back just because he doesn't like HOW Ares put his foot down, or where he put it down... he is the Admin now, respect it and go with him don't try and undermine him... if it was Boris in Ares position would you still be backing a Poll to go back to Alteran? I doubt it.
The torch has been passed.
There is literally no reason to pass it back other than to stop what is about to happen to PvP...

You do realize this thread was more of a joke, right? Kind of like you as a player here on Pangaea.
I don't think he realized who Boris was :D

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:37 pm
by Arden Darkfall
I don't see how bringing back Boris would be a step in the right direction.

Pangaea is in a period of transition. There were disagreements on the way things should be run, and it was Boris vs the world before, now Boris is gone and it's the world alone. It's a different system but one of the two things will happen:
1) the system works and the "democracy" manages to get things done;
2) someone will eventually feel the need to act as the leader to increase efficiency and step in Boris' old, empty shoes;

Placing Boris back would be saying the current handlers are incompetent leaders and need to be put in place again. That also means placing Boris back in a place he no longer enjoyed, and by no means temporary since someone else new would have to be found. It's a case of loss-loss for both Boris and the Admin team.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:38 pm
by Johnny Walac
Kat Asherstone wrote: Oh no, I meant Boris... we all know you guys are deep in bed together.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:40 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Talerco Pious wrote:
I don't think he realized who Boris was :D
I was actually surprised that such an outstanding Roleplayer could turn his back on the roleplay and become "Boris"
but then when I realized that I thought of all those times when I used to PvP back in the day and have to fight him on the side of fights since we were the two opposing Bards of Tekstone and Nature... and then it all made sense the way he treated particular players of one persuasion or another... was a very interesting moment of realization... but in hindsight I should have seen it before hand.
I had immense respect back in those days for Do'Brim... but "Boris" and his way of Administering and pandering to 1 group not so much.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:41 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Arden Darkfall wrote:I don't see how bringing back Boris would be a step in the right direction.

Pangaea is in a period of transition. There were disagreements on the way things should be run, and it was Boris vs the world before, now Boris is gone and it's the world alone. It's a different system but one of the two things will happen:
1) the system works and the "democracy" manages to get things done;
2) someone will eventually feel the need to act as the leader to increase efficiency and step in Boris' old, empty shoes;

Placing Boris back would be saying the current handlers are incompetent leaders and need to be put in place again. That also means placing Boris back in a place he no longer enjoyed, and by no means temporary since someone else new would have to be found. It's a case of loss-loss for both Boris and the Admin team.
Lookout Arden... you're gonna make some enemies with that kind of valid logic.
Wallac troll post inc...

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:41 pm
by Ondoher

For Kat.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:44 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Ondoher wrote:Image

For Kat.
From a PvP player, of course... I'm not even surprised at how quick you guys come out of the woodwork to back the guy who let you all go rampant on the server and turn it as close to Russian PK as possible..
You do realize all of you standing up for going back to Boris just enforces the point that you guys want your precious PvP back at the cost of everything else... pathetic.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:46 pm
by Mike
I wish I could vote yes, I feel like I owe this guy for all the good he did. But to be honest Boris' career as shard dictator jumped the shard quite some time ago. Judging from his performance over the last 12-18 months I'd rather have him as a player.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:48 pm
by Johnny Walac
I wonder how long it will take for Kat to realize nobody gives a shit about his opinions :D
Like I told Kent Strider, keep reaching for that rainbow Kat.

Keep it up!

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:54 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Johnny Walac wrote:I wonder how long it will take for Kat to realize nobody gives a shit about his opinions :D
Like I told Kent Strider, keep reaching for that rainbow Kat.

Keep it up!
You might think that, but the inbox flood of players wanting me to keep at standing up for them afraid of the lashback is what keeps me going
As long as I get players messaging me and saying... I wish I could say that to these guys, but they'd grief me... that gives me ALL the reason to keep pointing out how much the server needs to get rid of griefers and lets face it... you're king of the griefers and Boris is the only reason you got a chance to get that far...You're right, this is gonna be goood :lol: