Edward Sinclair wrote: it would be a death sentence for you to fight more than one fencer with a para poisoned onyx spear.
Well, that's the point. Currently the fencers have the _only_ edge in PvP against Paralyze protection potion/armors.
If we could have those effects in a boosted way for high end weapons it would balance out certain classes vs fencers, right now its only based on the _rare_ luck to find the paralyzing charged items, whereas most of the time they suck aswell.
A small overview of the high tier weapons and their "abilities".
+ Great dmg
+ Can be poisoned/parad
+ Can be armamented
- No additional effects except only ingot.
+ Average dmg
+ Can be poisoned/parad
+ Can be armamented
+ Additional effect
+ Average dmg
+ Can be armamented
- No additional effects except only ingot
People are talking of "Dont nerf priests" this overview is for the 100 skill weapons and if you remember correctly Priests are capped to scepters which is a 91 skill weapons.