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Re: robbers and looting

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:19 am
by Geryn Farodae
Actually, it is a script, Kent. If you had a red alt, I could not Indoctrinate you into the Order of Law. Prodoceo Inservio Deus: "You have converted ______" "Error - Could not be added to guild due to red alts" or something along those lines.

However, if you are IN the Order of Law, technically, there is nothing stopping you from making an alt go red. Only problem is, Pangaea is like HighSchool wherein a rumour that your alt is red when you're in Law, would spred like wildfire and of coarse, the Law person would have three choices: Pay for salvation of red alt, delete red alt, or be excommunicated.

It actually is a script, and I don't know why Alteran quoted me and said I told him nothing. You are right, I told you as long as you are in the Order of Law you can't have a red alt before, or after indoctrination. So, I never said anything about changing that rule, nor will I. And actually, I HAVE given suggestions to GM's and Admins about a couple of changes I was considering implementing, and got completely and utterly stonewalled or shot down for even asking so... I actually did make some suggestions.

I dunno, chasing David around Felucca reminded me of how lame robbers were, but it was also a lot of fun for a change.

But perhaps if there were quests for people to do, instead of weathering snap, poorly considered ideas, robbing may not be at all necessary.

The momentum of this shard is quickly stalling out. I see it myself, I hunt and hunt and hunt. And buy, and hunt, and hunt, and hunt. And buy and hunt and hunt. It was exciting to hear about the two new reds in town, but short of twiddling their thumbs and asking players for bread crumbs, soon, I guarantee their fun will ebb and the shard will return to being mediocre. Mediocrity in itself isn't a bad thing, but when there is no stimuli... at all... can people REALLY be content with pwning monsters all day?

My thoughts

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:33 am
by Mag'etherian
In my honest opinion, robberies got way out of hand before. Too many rules were broken and it was a complete circus and repeat of events. I didn't even want to leave town anymore because I would be confronted by every robber the server had one dungeon after another, or on my way to them. To me, losing all your gear cause you can't build your characters in time for the wave after wave after wave of robberies that were going on makes playing the game feel like a complete waste of time.

I don't hate robbers, I just hate how most of the encounters I experienced lacked that good RP. I do hate losing all my gear though as its not as easy for me to make gold as most of you who play on Pangaea. I beta tested on Pangaea and gave up after 2 years of playing seeing as a lot was getting out of hand and things were starting to get boring. I lose my gear enough hunting, losing it hunting and being robbed just adds to the frustration of things.

To answer your question though Geryn,

Yes.. I can beat on monsters all day. But there's more to robbing and hunting mobs to this game. If you really want to PvP then play with your friends and run PvP tourney's or something of your own. Setup admission fee's and winners win cash money prizes. Run your own quests with friends / guildies / religions and leave it open for anyone so more people will get involved with eachother, and not just wait for staff to throw something together just so you get a Quest Deed, and maybe that spark to keep playing will stay and the urge to PK PK PK will not be needed. To me quests are more then recieving a deed at the end. I enjoy playing the game with as many people as I can where everyone's involved in everything. Merchants won't lose business if there's no robberies. I've played merchants my entire UO-life, and on shards that robbery wasn't even in existance cause nobody wanted to play one. We all had fun just playing together and were creative enough to not result to robberies. You'll lose your gear hunting sometime, maybe its been destroyed from low durability, or you've just had some misfortunate events and lost your items.. the point is you'll always need merchants even without robberies. I think a lot of us just let greed get the best of us sometimes. Something I'd rather see more of over robbers are just pure all out evil people who will kill you, but not rob you, providing their RP backs them up so they can kill their victim without breaking any rules. I don't mind dieing by players who have the RP for it, but I hate constantly being robbed. Evil can be good, if you know how to act it properly. Robberies aren't the only way to go about being evil and spreading fear among people either, nor religions. If you want to complain about you won't make profit if you can't rob from people, then do it the same way every victim you kill does and go hunting for your fortunes and items. You choose to play that evil-doer and know what it can lead to. We shouldn't make other players' enjoyment not so enjoyable just because of the limb your taking yourself in the path you lead your character. Law will still have fun and be open for business if people decide to go the route of just being an evil killer who doesn't rob people. Law isn't there to protect you from robbers alone. There's many ways you can go about killing someone other then asking for their items and they refuse and run, or attack you. But really that's about the only PvP or at least the largest PvP action that was going on before, other then religious events that I seen.

I say keep it to gold & gems or whatever its set for now. I was told by someone like a couple days ago that robberies aren't even allowed atm until the playerbase grew.

Anyways that my two cents.

I miss the old school Supershards & Journey's End days! Wish that entire crew of population was all together on this server, I know some are here but we need the whole crew! XD

- Aoshi Shinomori
- Himura Kenshin
- HURL!!! Yeah I know who you are on here. :-)
- Dyne Tamenier
- Protector Ironfist
- Harlequin
- Soma
- Trinity
- Bane
- Toben Rahl & Family
- Trent Bloodthorne ( original and Reppy :-) )
- Repsak
- Nosferatu
- Moor Lormond ( spelling right? ) / Rage Bloodthorne
- Hamaedo / Morpheus Xanthus / Kali Anael
- Iblis Xanthus / Reagen
- Wedge
- Flick
- Flipo
- Hunter / Magnerro
- Havok Xavier
- Xandra Vaydir
- Werzoth
- TaghClatur

Okay I'm stopping the list here.. I missed a brick ton load of people. I know some on the list are & or were staffing on Pangaea / created it but your names still deserve to be listed cause those were the best times of my UO experience! XD

Re: robbers and looting

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:38 pm
by Kent Strider
Thanks guy above me who really knows how to hang off topic. Like I posted before I don't really care if looting rules change or not. The tailors and smiths im sure love the fact that they need only sell one suit of armor and gear per person now. They HATE gold!

---------------->Re: robbers and looting<------------------

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 6:25 pm
by Mag'etherian
Topic Title: Robbers and Looting

Created by: menzo
I like to hear everyones thinke about this.

I realy tinke they shut be able to dry loot. I tinke the Merchants market will die if not.
To keep this short and sweet. My response was on topic thanks. How so?

1 - I discussed my views on robbers and merely gave other alternatives to go other then playing a robber. In hopes of achieving a better shard.

2 - I discussed my views on looting.

3 - I discussed my opinion on when menzo said he thinks the merchant market will die.

4 - I answered Geryn's question when he asked if people could whack on monsters all day.

My post was in reply to menzo's POLL except for the one part I replied to Geryn. You don't have to agree with me, I'm not looking for anything but merely giving my opinion on this subject.

Ladies and Gents,

Extinguish your flames and put the flame throwers away before making any accusations. No need to turn this into a flame-fest. I'm done. =)

Re: My thoughts

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 6:53 pm
by Kent Strider
Fang-Qui Droma wrote: I miss the old school Supershards & Journey's End days! Wish that entire crew of population was all together on this server, I know some are here but we need the whole crew! XD

- Aoshi Shinomori
- Himura Kenshin
- HURL!!! Yeah I know who you are on here. :-)
- Dyne Tamenier
- Protector Ironfist
- Harlequin
- Soma
- Trinity
- Bane
- Toben Rahl & Family
- Trent Bloodthorne ( original and Reppy :-) )
- Repsak
- Nosferatu
- Moor Lormond ( spelling right? ) / Rage Bloodthorne
- Hamaedo / Morpheus Xanthus / Kali Anael
- Iblis Xanthus / Reagen
- Wedge
- Flick
- Flipo
- Hunter / Magnerro
- Havok Xavier
- Xandra Vaydir
- Werzoth
- TaghClatur

Okay I'm stopping the list here.. I missed a brick ton load of people. I know some on the list are & or were staffing on Pangaea / created it but your names still deserve to be listed cause those were the best times of my UO experience! XD
No flame fest, this whole portion of your post needed not exist. And I was looking really hard for the part where you discussed merchants making gold. Smiths and Tailors are being used less and less, why is that you ask? Well with no gear being lost there is no reason to buy more. I have already stated more than one time that I like the looting rules the way they are, hell I can use my best gear to fight against Law or who ever I so choose without having to worry about buying more gear. I am just sure smiths and tailors wish it was different.

Re: robbers and looting

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:35 am
by Breg
I would have to say this is a comprimise that can and will not ever be met for one side or the other but it is 100% true that if you are not robbed your merchants will be useless.. completely. it just comes down to the willfull people who chose to play for the challenge of player to player games and some hunting along the way.. if you cant deal with it why do you chose to play in the first place.. you didnt expect to be handed everything on a silver plater did you.. or was it gold? You all need to think in the long run.. if you dont want to be robbed of your valuables be a steap ahead of your fellow player.. albeit if your running or perhaps wearing a low-end armor set and cheap weapons.. do what you can to make your gaming experience the best cause thats all everyone else is going to do make their experience better. So less complaining and more playing, yes?

Re: robbers and looting

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:24 am
by Maximilian Lhoth
Now... everyone. When you lost your items, was it usually because of robbery?

And when robbers rob, do the items just mystically "disappear" into air so that merchants have to make new ones to replace them?

Re: robbers and looting

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:02 am
by Kent Strider
When robbers rob its their gear then, they use it. The person that was robbed then has to buy the new gear, there go giving a tailor or smith some goldies.

Re: robbers and looting

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:19 am
by Maximilian Lhoth
Kent Strider wrote:When robbers rob its their gear then, they use it. The person that was robbed then has to buy the new gear, there go giving a tailor or smith some goldies.
But if the robbery fails, the robber would go giving the tailor goldies instead to get the armor set, as he wouldn't get the set by robbing.

The amount of armors, weapons, will be the same, whoever owns them, unless of course robbers trashbarrel everything they rob just for fun.

Re: robbers and looting

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:28 am
by Jam Rave