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Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:37 am
by Ares
Johnny, no more memes please. And everyone, stop with the Kat attacks. A lot of what he's saying is true.

Debates ladies, not personal attacks.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:08 am
by Athan01
Ares wrote: A lot of what he's saying is true.
I've just read the whole 5 pages and I gotta say I disagree with most things kat has said repeatedly - I did have some laugh though I am quite baked :roll:

You's don't seem to get it - the problem with is with the whining bitching players. Has nothing to do with ares or boris or the current GMs or recent changes.

Is this whole thing about the year boris spent balancing the shard out a bit and making it generally fun for everyone. I don't know where all of this current shit is coming from from you kat as you aren't even involved in the pvp that seems to be ruining your game so what is the problem I don't understand why you care oh so much.
From what I see most people are quite happy trolling each other IG for some action from time to time then even after an encounter there would be pre-arranged to meet at a certain place via ICQ(usually for a fair fighting place).
Is it really pvp or what is your issue here kat? I do not see a problem with the way things are currently people just need to grow up and stop bitching.

Since repsak stepped down his really strict rules the shard has been continiously getting more fun to play for everyone and every gm and admin including ares & boris has helped along the way. I wouldn't be complaining too much as the staff current and previous are the reason the shard still exists.
Be grateful - I wouldn't enjoy the task of gming myself might get a bit tedious.
*looks at case and screenshot evidence*... illegal, neext

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:31 am
by Kat Asherstone
Athan01 wrote:
Ares wrote: A lot of what he's saying is true.
I've just read the whole 5 pages and I gotta say I disagree with most things kat has said repeatedly - I did have some laugh though I am quite baked :roll:

You's don't seem to get it - the problem with is with the whining bitching players. Has nothing to do with ares or boris or the current GMs or recent changes.

Is this whole thing about the year boris spent balancing the shard out a bit and making it generally fun for everyone. I don't know where all of this current shit is coming from from you kat as you aren't even involved in the pvp that seems to be ruining your game so what is the problem I don't understand why you care oh so much.
From what I see most people are quite happy trolling each other IG for some action from time to time then even after an encounter there would be pre-arranged to meet at a certain place via ICQ(usually for a fair fighting place).
Is it really pvp or what is your issue here kat? I do not see a problem with the way things are currently people just need to grow up and stop bitching.

Since repsak stepped down his really strict rules the shard has been continiously getting more fun to play for everyone and every gm and admin including ares & boris has helped along the way. I wouldn't be complaining too much as the staff current and previous are the reason the shard still exists.
Be grateful - I wouldn't enjoy the task of gming myself might get a bit tedious.
*looks at case and screenshot evidence*... illegal, neext
Yes Athan it really is the PvP, but more so the direct relation to the dick measuring contest that PvP has FORCED onto other players... while most understand that there will be PvP the problem is, the rules and the grey areas that certain groups hide in to get their griefing done
PvP is fun, but it's Player versus Player, not Player Grief Player... and again, as I've said before, Boris did make a lot of implementations across the board BUT he also helped to usher in an era of allowing Griefers to stay... if he was actually "strict" as everyone seems to think... we wouldn't be at this point, those griefers woulda been banned long ago, friends or not when someone steps over a line in something like this... you either lower the boom or you open the flood gate... when he allowed 1 person to do it, he set a precedent for others to follow suite.
When Repask was Admin with his "strict" rules he had a higher average online count, he had one of the best Roleplay/PvP servers around.
When you allow people to grief they push players out of the server and eventually the only ones left are the ones that have been here long enough to weather the storm or are on the side of the griefers but new players will come in expecting balance or read the rules and think they know what can/cannot occur and then WHAMMO Grey Area... and the bad guy gets away with it because "fun for everyone" when what it should say is "fun for everyone who knows how to abuse the grey areas"
It's been suggested to put the burden of proof on the bad guy... and the only people who seem to be against it, and I'll just say it, are the bad guys who SHOULD be posting proof that it was legit... and as, I believe Hilda, pointed out... you can always take an SS in a position to "make it look legit" so can we really trust these guys in the grey areas of rules to not try and circumvent that too?

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:42 am
by Athan01
Kat Asherstone wrote:
Athan01 wrote:
Ares wrote: A lot of what he's saying is true.
I've just read the whole 5 pages and I gotta say I disagree with most things kat has said repeatedly - I did have some laugh though I am quite baked :roll:

You's don't seem to get it - the problem with is with the whining bitching players. Has nothing to do with ares or boris or the current GMs or recent changes.

Is this whole thing about the year boris spent balancing the shard out a bit and making it generally fun for everyone. I don't know where all of this current shit is coming from from you kat as you aren't even involved in the pvp that seems to be ruining your game so what is the problem I don't understand why you care oh so much.
From what I see most people are quite happy trolling each other IG for some action from time to time then even after an encounter there would be pre-arranged to meet at a certain place via ICQ(usually for a fair fighting place).
Is it really pvp or what is your issue here kat? I do not see a problem with the way things are currently people just need to grow up and stop bitching.

Since repsak stepped down his really strict rules the shard has been continiously getting more fun to play for everyone and every gm and admin including ares & boris has helped along the way. I wouldn't be complaining too much as the staff current and previous are the reason the shard still exists.
Be grateful - I wouldn't enjoy the task of gming myself might get a bit tedious.
*looks at case and screenshot evidence*... illegal, neext
Yes Athan it really is the PvP, but more so the direct relation to the dick measuring contest that PvP has FORCED onto other players... while most understand that there will be PvP the problem is, the rules and the grey areas that certain groups hide in to get their griefing done
PvP is fun, but it's Player versus Player, not Player Grief Player... and again, as I've said before, Boris did make a lot of implementations across the board BUT he also helped to usher in an era of allowing Griefers to stay... if he was actually "strict" as everyone seems to think... we wouldn't be at this point, those griefers woulda been banned long ago, friends or not when someone steps over a line in something like this... you either lower the boom or you open the flood gate... when he allowed 1 person to do it, he set a precedent for others to follow suite.
When Repask was Admin with his "strict" rules he had a higher average online count, he had one of the best Roleplay/PvP servers around.
When you allow people to grief they push players out of the server and eventually the only ones left are the ones that have been here long enough to weather the storm or are on the side of the griefers but new players will come in expecting balance or read the rules and think they know what can/cannot occur and then WHAMMO Grey Area... and the bad guy gets away with it because "fun for everyone" when what it should say is "fun for everyone who knows how to abuse the grey areas"
It's been suggested to put the burden of proof on the bad guy... and the only people who seem to be against it, and I'll just say it, are the bad guys who SHOULD be posting proof that it was legit... and as, I believe Hilda, pointed out... you can always take an SS in a position to "make it look legit" so can we really trust these guys in the grey areas of rules to not try and circumvent that too?
You really are reading into things and are quite butt-sore over this whole thing aren't you lol - are you for real though.
From your topic I can conclude that a certain group of people have not got banned for staying within the rules? Thats basically what you're saying as there hasn't been that much illegal shit been going on that I can recall of. Occasionally lines get crossed when speaking to completely biased idiots like yourself but that can't be helped once every so often.
People take this game waaay too seriously...

Regarding the higher online count - I'm damn shocked this shard is even still open at all do you realise how old this shit is? Any other shards i've heard of are HC pvp ones with no RP at all or just pure RP ones with like 10 players online. Its funny how pangaeas top online count was when tekstone grouped together for PVP

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:11 am
by Zaradon
The current staff is pretty playerfriendly, i think it's good for the atmosphere of the shard.

Boris was surely an ignorant, but he ofcourse did a lot for the shard.
But since we already have a working staffmembership, i dont think there's a need.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:01 am
by Iktomi
Vaux27 wrote:
Kat Asherstone wrote:
Vaux27 wrote:No offense, but please stop posting Kat. You're spamming and have no clue what you're talking about regarding Boris. You're obviously upset still, your rants were evident. Let the topic go back to original ground.
Do'Brim shouldn't be asking for Boris back just because he doesn't like HOW Ares put his foot down, or where he put it down... he is the Admin now, respect it and go with him don't try and undermine him... if it was Boris in Ares position would you still be backing a Poll to go back to Alteran? I doubt it.
The torch has been passed.
There is literally no reason to pass it back other than to stop what is about to happen to PvP...

You do realize this thread was more of a joke, right? Kind of like you as a player here on Pangaea.
I've given Vaux a forum time-out for a few days for this post (and some inflammatory posts on other threads). There's a difference between accusing people of bias or whatever in relation to a topic and just direct attacks. This was a direct attack that had no relation to the topic at hand.

(That's not to say that we won't forum jail people when there is on-topic inflammatory material going on).

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:16 pm
by Cirius Do'Brim
Boris in a nutshell: (nsfw)

You're all welcome. POTYC 2014.


Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:23 pm
by Darian Darkmind
What... the... fuck did I just watch?

I'm glad you're no longer an admin :D

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:45 pm
by Glarundis
Palma wrote:Everything is just way too scary right now and there's too much uncertainty. I for one miss the time when I could just get home and play.
i just had to quote this from the whole topic, didn't read anything else :D

welcome to the "telenovela" of pangaea. us imperials are used to it, we had it for many months on our backyard :D

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:39 am
by Gorath Blackmind
After checking the first 2 pages I was surprised the topic wasnt locked! And as for the topic, I got no idea what Boris did or didn't do. To me he was a GM who helped me if I had a problem and did his job as well as anyone.