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Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:40 am
by Bella Pious
I hope the staff would have faith and continue doing what they believe to work, even though it is slow. Even though we have a Boris throwing another refreshing idea, again. It is a battle between ideal and reality and I want the staff to know I really appriciate all the ones who put in efforts and spent sleepless nights trying to make things work. They dont owe players anything and if someone wants to play elsewhere, it is regrattable but it is your freedom. Maybe after a lng period of time, the staff come to an agreement that it is not working, but even then they tried their best and still dont owe anyone of us anything. I personally would hope to see a generation of staff actually could make the change work but it is only my personal hope, not their duty.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:35 am
by Glarundis
Bella Pious wrote:I hope the staff would have faith and continue doing what they believe to work, even though it is slow. Even though we have a Boris throwing another refreshing idea, again. It is a battle between ideal and reality and I want the staff to know I really appriciate all the ones who put in efforts and spent sleepless nights trying to make things work. They dont owe players anything and if someone wants to play elsewhere, it is regrattable but it is your freedom. Maybe after a lng period of time, the staff come to an agreement that it is not working, but even then they tried their best and still dont owe anyone of us anything. I personally would hope to see a generation of staff actually could make the change work but it is only my personal hope, not their duty.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:55 am
by Quintoz
Bella Pious wrote:I hope the staff would have faith and continue doing what they believe to work, even though it is slow. Even though we have a Boris throwing another refreshing idea, again. It is a battle between ideal and reality and I want the staff to know I really appriciate all the ones who put in efforts and spent sleepless nights trying to make things work. They dont owe players anything and if someone wants to play elsewhere, it is regrattable but it is your freedom. Maybe after a lng period of time, the staff come to an agreement that it is not working, but even then they tried their best and still dont owe anyone of us anything. I personally would hope to see a generation of staff actually could make the change work but it is only my personal hope, not their duty.
They made promises, they should be held accountable for it. They answer to the players and the online count shows how much faith the players have in them, none.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:48 am
by Glarundis
i don't think the player count is because of that, or only because of that. I'm not playing more time simply because there's no one else to play with, and I bet most others feel the same. It's a vicious cyrcle, and one can't blame only the staff for that. It was not the staff that drove players away in the first place when people were playing even before religions. It can be argued that over time, not releasing religions may get people bored and stop playing, but you can't put the whole blame on that

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:53 am
by Quintoz
Glarundis wrote:i don't think the player count is because of that, or only because of that. I'm not playing more time simply because there's no one else to play with, and I bet most others feel the same. It's a vicious cyrcle, and one can't blame only the staff for that. It was not the staff that drove players away in the first place when people were playing even before religions. It can be argued that over time, not releasing religions may get people bored and stop playing, but you can't put the whole blame on that
You're not playing because nobody else is, alot of other players that would play regardless if the shard had 5 or 50 players are not playing because the staff have lied and are untrustworthy and there's zero feeling of persistence, same when Ares and Iktomi was running it but then we didn't care we only did shit that took little effort, such as RP and PvP. The staff drove away players and then others left because there was noone to play with.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:30 am
by Malron
Online count is avging 3-5.

I have been playing every day.

I know 3 more players personally that are coming back shortly to play the way it is.

I will continue to play while the staff works to find time.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:32 pm
by Quintoz
Malron wrote:Online count is avging 3-5.

I know 3 more players personally that are coming back shortly to play the way it is.
3-5, massive numbers, much action.

3 more ey? Never heard anyone say that before :D

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:33 pm
by Demian
Bella Pious wrote:I hope the staff would have faith and continue doing what they believe to work, even though it is slow. Even though we have a Boris throwing another refreshing idea, again. It is a battle between ideal and reality and I want the staff to know I really appriciate all the ones who put in efforts and spent sleepless nights trying to make things work. They dont owe players anything and if someone wants to play elsewhere, it is regrattable but it is your freedom. Maybe after a lng period of time, the staff come to an agreement that it is not working, but even then they tried their best and still dont owe anyone of us anything. I personally would hope to see a generation of staff actually could make the change work but it is only my personal hope, not their duty.
Simply replacing the current files with the old files with religions still working shouldn't be a very time consuming task, yet the benefits would be sizeable for everyone involved. More players would start playing again and the staff wouldn't have to worry so much about a dwindling playerbase, whom might never return again since no progress is seen at all. It wouldn't even affect blckfires current task because there's really no need for the unfinished project to be online while he works on it.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:21 pm
by Gurrnutt Venomblade
Demian wrote:
Bella Pious wrote:I hope the staff would have faith and continue doing what they believe to work, even though it is slow. Even though we have a Boris throwing another refreshing idea, again. It is a battle between ideal and reality and I want the staff to know I really appriciate all the ones who put in efforts and spent sleepless nights trying to make things work. They dont owe players anything and if someone wants to play elsewhere, it is regrattable but it is your freedom. Maybe after a lng period of time, the staff come to an agreement that it is not working, but even then they tried their best and still dont owe anyone of us anything. I personally would hope to see a generation of staff actually could make the change work but it is only my personal hope, not their duty.
Simply replacing the current files with the old files with religions still working shouldn't be a very time consuming task, yet the benefits would be sizeable for everyone involved. More players would start playing again and the staff wouldn't have to worry so much about a dwindling playerbase, whom might never return again since no progress is seen at all. It wouldn't even affect blckfires current task because there's really no need for the unfinished project to be online while he works on it.

+1 if it would cause a negative reaction to the server an explination from the current stuff would be wonderful. Bottom line is we would like what was promised, again we are missing the added function that most of us used when we play on pang..... religions.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:34 pm
by blckfire
I said before, going to say it again.

And to the likes of Boris I only say this, I did not engage in something I couldn't do. Maybe you don't have a life besides games but the 100% of our current staff has. Kids and work included.

If things are not advancing is because RL is coming in the middle. When you get a sleepless kid and work 1h away from home it's perfectly normal that when you arrive home you want to do 2 things. Be with your family and take the little time you have to rest your brain from the day of work. Between the 2 there's maybe 15m left to work on Pangaea, like it was said before, I need at least 1h free to work on Pangaea, problem is, it's kinda hard, atm.

I'm trying to organize things to be able to free time in the weekends to work anywhere between 4-8h on Pangaea. I can tell you that there's not a lot of work left to do to put things running, but it takes time to write and then make sure we don't deliver a broken thing, which is kinda hard to do in a quick way. (I really don't like to deliver broken things)

When the system is ready we will deliver it and hopefully grow it, because once the base is there it's not hard to grow on top, but we need a strong base(foundation) as all houses and buildings do. That's why the first part always takes longer than what follows. I could try and deliver something, but that would leave more people pissed than happy and I really don't like to deliver broken things. (It'll still be broken until we are able to track all the small bugs that are always left in the code)

Anyway it's not an easy life. By the way there's still mess to clean from few years back, but we will get there eventually. I'm still aiming to be able to provide a bug "free" shard with top performance in all situations. That takes time and some dedication and lots of players to test shit out and point fingers when things go wrong.

I'm guilty of not delivering but I don't feel bad about it, because my Real Life and sanity come first ;)

Just would like to point out that even if we receded to the previous religion system 2 things would happen, severe server performance drop and in the end people would still go into periods of absence to then return like it always happened in Pangaea since I know it.

What we want to put out is a system that can be challenging and always keep the end game interesting and fun so that we don't go into periods of recession. Plus the staff that is working on the dungeons is more than enthusiastic to keep things challenging for you guys making constant changes and updates to the dungeons so it gets interesting for you guys and with time we will be putting out more interesting monsters for you guys to play with, but it's still a long road to go, for sure, full of bumps and drops in online count, couldn't care less, if I'm still able to deliver content to you guys (which at this point I am not :( ).

I leave with the promise that I'll do my best to free up time to work on Pangaea as I can and to make you guys happy when September comes. (I hope I'm not being too optimistic with that last one)