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Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:38 pm
by blckfire
Gurrnutt Venomblade wrote:+1 if it would cause a negative reaction to the server an explination from the current stuff would be wonderful. Bottom line is we would like what was promised, again we are missing the added function that most of us used when we play on pang..... religions.
We could go to a time before item wipe, but I don't know if that would be fair for everybody + all the performance changes would go down the drain and we would be back to a slow Pangaea with a lot of hiccups and other stuff (Really don't want that!) plus it would mean way more down time and maintenance which would be taking time away from development.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:48 pm
by Quintoz
Making a tough guy statement at the start of the post and proving us right in our concerns in the later stages. Zero faith in the current staff. If Boris gets the old gang back together and decides to run Pang again I would play, untill then forum lurking continues I suppose.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:40 pm
by Gurrnutt Venomblade
blckfire wrote:
Gurrnutt Venomblade wrote:+1 if it would cause a negative reaction to the server an explination from the current stuff would be wonderful. Bottom line is we would like what was promised, again we are missing the added function that most of us used when we play on pang..... religions.
We could go to a time before item wipe, but I don't know if that would be fair for everybody + all the performance changes would go down the drain and we would be back to a slow Pangaea with a lot of hiccups and other stuff (Really don't want that!) plus it would mean way more down time and maintenance which would be taking time away from development.
But can the current pang handle the old religion package? Or can we possibly drop in a standard religion package?

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:36 pm
by James Blackburn
I do understand that real life is more important, noone is saying otherwise, but hell, you tried to lift something thats too heavy for you, and funny part is you are still trying

basicaly we can forget about pang, this one is gonna die just like both pang 2 projects, same things were told in those cases, do people ever learn from other mistakes?

i wonder does blackfire himself believe in what he is saying

plus i wonder how did server run with old religion system, and why magicaly it wouldn't run now
all in all bunch of bullshit there, not guilty of not delivering? yeah you are, try do the same thing with friends, promise them and then say fuck it, got no time to deal with that :D
why would you even fuck up things that were working if you can't replace them... could of run shard without all the changes you decided to do, and not that any of them were good

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:38 am
by Tyrion
blckfire wrote:
Gurrnutt Venomblade wrote:+1 if it would cause a negative reaction to the server an explination from the current stuff would be wonderful. Bottom line is we would like what was promised, again we are missing the added function that most of us used when we play on pang..... religions.
We could go to a time before item wipe, but I don't know if that would be fair for everybody + all the performance changes would go down the drain and we would be back to a slow Pangaea with a lot of hiccups and other stuff (Really don't want that!) plus it would mean way more down time and maintenance which would be taking time away from development.
Let's begin looking for developers that can assist with current projects (religion system, siege system, mayor system etc.).

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:48 pm
by Glarundis
I don't have scripting knowledge, like many others here. But I have some free time. Would players be able to assist with the dungeons and whatever, without having to stop being players?

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:33 pm
by Gurrnutt Venomblade
Tyrion wrote:
blckfire wrote:
Gurrnutt Venomblade wrote:+1 if it would cause a negative reaction to the server an explination from the current stuff would be wonderful. Bottom line is we would like what was promised, again we are missing the added function that most of us used when we play on pang..... religions.
We could go to a time before item wipe, but I don't know if that would be fair for everybody + all the performance changes would go down the drain and we would be back to a slow Pangaea with a lot of hiccups and other stuff (Really don't want that!) plus it would mean way more down time and maintenance which would be taking time away from development.
Let's begin looking for developers that can assist with current projects (religion system, siege system, mayor system etc.).

Sorry blkfire didnt see your post on the page prior, that makes sence with the performance. Totally understand your time a effort being put twords your family and job first. But what this thread is just boiling down to if you need help scripting perhaps the feelers should be put out to obtain additional help. Developing dungeons and monster is pointless at this time because not many are playing.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:54 pm
by Tyrion
Tyrion wrote:
blckfire wrote:
Gurrnutt Venomblade wrote:+1 if it would cause a negative reaction to the server an explination from the current stuff would be wonderful. Bottom line is we would like what was promised, again we are missing the added function that most of us used when we play on pang..... religions.
We could go to a time before item wipe, but I don't know if that would be fair for everybody + all the performance changes would go down the drain and we would be back to a slow Pangaea with a lot of hiccups and other stuff (Really don't want that!) plus it would mean way more down time and maintenance which would be taking time away from development.
Let's begin looking for developers that can assist with current projects (religion system, siege system, mayor system etc.).
To start, let's try recruiting some programmers on the POL forum. This is a dedicated community of POL programmers that may be willing to help or can at least be persuaded to assist with development projects.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 1:30 am
by Cyrus Tegyr
I'd like to note, I'm about as frustrated as the next person is with the current state of stalemate that pang currently sits in but I need to explain something specifically to a post made a few posts ago in this thread by JB.

POL and any shard whether it be a distro release which is just the basics of Ultima and has nothing exceptionally special to an active well developed shard as Pangaea, is a series of folders and files. What does this mean? Well within these folders sit include files, cfg files, src files and a couple others which i can't remember off hand, now when you are writing an entire package especially one as in depth as a religion system is, there's an interconnecting web that occurs. While I do not know exactly what has been done, I can give you a quick idea of what I suspect has occurred based on what I know from the discussions I've had with blckfire and as someone who has used the old religion system and it's predecessor which repsak borrowed from journey's end.

Blckfire approached me early on to see if I could help out scripting and at that time I hadn't begun to get back into scripting and hadn't attempted it in like 11 years (now closer to 12) but I heard him out and discussed the religion system and what exactly he was doing with it and in short he told me a complete rewrite. A complete rewrite to me entails removing the old religion system entirely and all references specifically related to it in various files except perhaps itemdesc files where you would want to keep the item numbers pretty much the same. So, now we get down to what this entails when removing references specific to the old religion system:

Editing/removing the files (an include file basically holds functions you will call from a multitude of scripts which may span across multiple pkgs)
Editing the class system for possible changes that specifically deal with the old religion system, no small feat in itself as the class system is quite in depth and itself has a web of other inc and cfg files it uses.
editing hit scripts which again, is a confusing mass of stuff when you factor in all the shit it has to do from special ores and to everything else unique to Pangaea which is quite a bit.
Changing references to the religion system in the housing pkg, yes, even here there maybe references.
The meditation pkg also references religion specific functionality.
I may be missing a few things as my memory fails me after 12 years and might have a couple things wrong on here but take it from someone who has an old save of Pangaea on their desktop and knows fairly well the layout of the shard folder and file wise and its web of interconnected strands, Dropping in the old religion system isn't just an easy fix if as I do you take blckfire at face value that he began writing a religion system from scratch.

You may not like or believe what I'm telling you as the flavour of the month is consistently bash the current staff but calling bullshit on an something you seem to be extremely ignorant of makes you look like an even bigger fool than you've made yourself out to be. Again, I have zero stake in defending the current staff I do not script for the shard and currently have no plans to do so in the future, I have no affiliation with them and in the end just as frustrated as the next person but I could not sit idly by while you spout off utter nonsense and act like a complete prick. You're frustrated, pissed off, if you can do better than by all means, take the time to learn escript and lets see what you come up with, even though this relaunch was rife with some glaring mistakes, chiefly an extremely too early relaunch, they've tried, have they succeeded yet, no but they've took the step you or I refused to do. If this makes me enemies for this long post, so be it but fuck me, this consistent bull shitting and bitching and whining and infantile behaviour cause things haven't worked out as well or as fast as you hoped is getting rather old, one week after the relaunch you started in with this shit and haven't stopped in most if not all the posts I've read of yours since.

Seriously either grow a pair and step up or just don't comment at all, as stated your last post in this thread really reveals your enormous ignorance. I suspect you expected people to join in on your "fuck the current staff" post but you can count me out, you've done nothing to better the shard in its current state and somehow have some claim to be a fucking prick about things.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:33 am
by Tyrion
Tyrion wrote:To start, let's try recruiting some programmers on the POL forum. This is a dedicated community of POL programmers that may be willing to help or can at least be persuaded to assist with development projects.
Cyrus, would you mind terribly if we leveraged any of your connections to POL programmers, that could speak with blckfire?