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What to do re: PvP #3

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:06 pm
by Iktomi
This poll relates to this General post.

Obviously we're still thinking about the details, but introducing account restrictions on guild membership would work something along the lines of:
- Players are only allowed to have characters in a single guild that is at war with another guild. This would mean that all these religion supporting guilds (AG, Justice League, etc. etc.) could no longer exist and PvP would be focused into the religions.

Re: What to do re: PvP #3

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:44 pm
by Darian Darkmind
I don't think this is a problem. Yes, the reasons for such guilds might be OOC and abusing a loophole in the recent "no religion alliances" rule, but this also increases activity. Restricting this decreases the amount of players simultaneously participating in any PvPand thus greatly decreases activity and online count.

It is the restrictions that has caused players to pick sides and "hate" each other in the first place. If anything we need to turn this boat around with less restrictions.

Allow having chars in all guilds, in all religions and allow even religion-alliances (as long as there's enough RP to back it up). Give this responsibility to players. If current Nature players allow me to have a character in their religion - well aware I have one in Tekstone as well - then it is a risk they are willing to take. If they don't trust me, they don't have to accept me. Vica Versa.

Additionally, we players can avoid being victims of meta-gaming ourselves by not sharing everything in the map with half the shard. By being in a different map when you're hunting, you lower the risks of being ganked. Additionally, I'd add a ".hide" command which hides your name from the .online list to prevent that "abuse" as well. Slowly the shard will heal while people realize their old enemies are players just like them, just trying to have fun... which hopefully, eventually, leads to a more friendlier PvP as a whole (fighting against your "friends" is always more fun due to people having some common respect to each other)

Re: What to do re: PvP #3

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:01 pm
by Demian
Darian Darkmind wrote:Allow having chars in all guilds, in all religions and allow even religion-alliances (as long as there's enough RP to back it up). Give this responsibility to players. If current Nature players allow me to have a character in their religion - well aware I have one in Tekstone as well - then it is a risk they are willing to take. If they don't trust me, they don't have to accept me. Vica Versa.
+1. There should be no restrctions at all on how we want to RP and play our characters.

Re: What to do re: PvP #3

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:48 pm
by Ivan
No, I will go into rampage and kill noobs and start robbing noobs, if religions are only allowed to play in proper pvp.

Re: What to do re: PvP #3

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:41 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Darian Darkmind wrote:I don't think this is a problem. Yes, the reasons for such guilds might be OOC and abusing a loophole in the recent "no religion alliances" rule, but this also increases activity. Restricting this decreases the amount of players simultaneously participating in any PvPand thus greatly decreases activity and online count.

It is the restrictions that has caused players to pick sides and "hate" each other in the first place. If anything we need to turn this boat around with less restrictions.

Allow having chars in all guilds, in all religions and allow even religion-alliances (as long as there's enough RP to back it up). Give this responsibility to players. If current Nature players allow me to have a character in their religion - well aware I have one in Tekstone as well - then it is a risk they are willing to take. If they don't trust me, they don't have to accept me. Vica Versa.

Additionally, we players can avoid being victims of meta-gaming ourselves by not sharing everything in the map with half the shard. By being in a different map when you're hunting, you lower the risks of being ganked. Additionally, I'd add a ".hide" command which hides your name from the .online list to prevent that "abuse" as well. Slowly the shard will heal while people realize their old enemies are players just like them, just trying to have fun... which hopefully, eventually, leads to a more friendlier PvP as a whole (fighting against your "friends" is always more fun due to people having some common respect to each other)

+1 for this, used to be cross faction stuff till the metagame got out of control... It wasn't uncommon for people to have 2 or 3 characters in different religions for the RP...and that should be allowed, it's when it's used for the meta-game that's when it's just blah. Used to be great to get to a Nature, Tek fight and see that the numbers were uneven and then kinda take off... and change sides... make it a fair fight (or sometimes a slaughterfest)

Re: What to do re: PvP #3

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:26 pm
by Vaux27
Darian Darkmind wrote:
Allow having chars in all guilds, in all religions and allow even religion-alliances (as long as there's enough RP to back it up). Give this responsibility to players. If current Nature players allow me to have a character in their religion - well aware I have one in Tekstone as well - then it is a risk they are willing to take. If they don't trust me, they don't have to accept me. Vica Versa.

You clearly don't play enough today to notice the player base isn't mature enough for such actions.

Absolutely make "restrictions", because apparently everyone must grief each other to have fun. In other words limit people to one alliance to a religion and one religion, because they clearly can't handle OOC reasoning for PvP. If we can all learn to play together, then we should have what you just said above. Clearly this PvP ban for a week was for a reason, and most of you choose to ignore it I suppose.

FYI I can only read so much, no wall of text please.

Re: What to do re: PvP #3

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:47 pm
by Darian Darkmind
Vaux, and what do you think is the reason why the situation is as it is?

It is because we are restricted. Since we are restricted, we "never" get to play with the players from the other side. The other side soon becomes this distant, unfamiliar enemy that you don't even care to know since you can't play with them and as such you never learn to trust them. They mean nothing to you and just like that you lose touch of the reality that they too are players like you.

Allowing it might cause some meta-gaming issues at first, but the more people get to know each other, the less there will be meta-gaming and less hostile the shard will become.

It is a risk, but adding more restrictions divides the players even further. That I guarantee you, is definitely not a solution.

Re: What to do re: PvP #3

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:28 pm
by Vaux27
Darian Darkmind wrote:Vaux, and what do you think is the reason why the situation is as it is?

It is because we are restricted. Since we are restricted, we "never" get to play with the players from the other side. The other side soon becomes this distant, unfamiliar enemy that you don't even care to know since you can't play with them and as such you never learn to trust them. They mean nothing to you and just like that you lose touch of the reality that they too are players like you.

Allowing it might cause some meta-gaming issues at first, but the more people get to know each other, the less there will be meta-gaming and less hostile the shard will become.

It is a risk, but adding more restrictions divides the players even further. That I guarantee you, is definitely not a solution.

I don't think we can magically just get along if we're all the sudden allowed to join all religions, it doesn't work that way. Rivals don't become friends very easily unless they have a common goal, Tekstone and Imperial were an example of that. There really is no common goal if we're all on every side, and we all know it's just too much paranoid metagaming risk. It goes back to the one word I emphasize, maturity. I just don't think people can let go of the past and move on, some rather choose to dislike or hate the other and quit the game before playing on the same side. I commend you for believing in it being possible, I just don't see it in that manner.

Assuring there is no way to get around in-game implementing of the no religion alliances is the only way for now, unless there is some clarity found from both sides. I don't see that happening any time soon.

Re: What to do re: PvP #3

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:28 pm
by Mike
I'm not sure the OP framed this idea quite right, but if the concept is the one I brought up, I naturally support it. To make sure there are four distinct factions this must happen.

The thought is that if you decide to join a religion or a religion-allied guild on one character, that's it for your account. You can't join another religion, or a guild allied to another religion. Instead of polarizing the PvP comminity into two and a half (Tekstone-Imperial overlap is weak), it divides it in four. We should not idealize a utopian concept of "freedom of RP" but rather analyze the situation and deal with the facts. PvP players have a competitive psychology, they tend to form relatively strong ingroups and form negative opinions about outgroups. Malleus noobs and 2D lootbags, anyone?

Vaux pretty much as it nailed down. We are competetive and we work against each other most of the time. That's the state of the game. To be honest the only way I see that changing is if looting is completely disabled and PvP is made "arena style" with no world PvP, no dungeon attacks etc.

Re: What to do re: PvP #3

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:05 am
by Zaradon
Ivan wrote:No, I will go into rampage and kill noobs and start robbing noobs, if religions are only allowed to play in proper pvp.
So, you're calling everyone noob but yourself?

Skittish, very skittish, son.