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What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:37 pm
by Cirius Do'Brim
I heard he has no urge to GM, but he cares more about the shard than himself (and/or his own intrests).

Some say he's a complete dick as a GM, but actually a nice guy as a player.

Which is better remains a mystery.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:59 pm
by Kat Asherstone
I heard he is biased towards some groups/types of players
I also heard he refuses to apply a rule of charity when "discussing" issues about the direction of the shard
I also heard he likes to troll his own player base

Nope, he was good for a while, but the reigns are handed off... going back at this point would do more damage than good undermining the current administration, they should be given a chance to show the server that they can rise to the occasion
We all know that the PvP issue right now has lots of people butt hurt, which is probably why people would want Boris back... he let the situation slip into near Russian PK status...Current Admin has said they are going to pull it back

How can you say to them... be clear and don't listen to the player base, but then ask such a question.. for shame Do'Brim, for shame.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:05 pm
by Johnny Walac
Bring back Boris!?


Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:53 pm
by Athan01
You just need to teach ares some methods of controlling the playerbase - show him how to be the badass who doesn't take shit from anyone.
I think hes doing a great job so far but clearly all this bitching from players and pvp is annoying the staff.
Kat Asherstone wrote:

We all know that the PvP issue right now has lots of people butt hurt, which is probably why people would want Boris back... he let the situation slip into near Russian PK status...Current Admin has said they are going to pull it back
Your blaming the childish actions and attitude of the playerbase on boris because he gave them the freedom to roam free and fight each other. Thats kind of like arresting every american gunshop's salesman for murder due to the stupidity of the weapon users. Perhaps a bad comparison
This is all down to the players, the current staff are doing a great job but equally boris was a good admin.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:10 pm
by Palma
I had to vote yes.

Nothing against anyone but, this daily drama... not knowing what to do with our chars afraid of tomorrow's sudden changes, fear of unfair decisions, being branded ilegal when 10+ years legal, being forced to constantly defend against unfair changes versus every greedy request from players daily on the forum, fear of the staff being against us players/groups because of what others invent, etc. Has to stop.

Everything is just way too scary right now and there's too much uncertainty. I for one miss the time when I could just get home and play.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:12 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Athan01 wrote:You just need to teach ares some methods of controlling the playerbase - show him how to be the badass who doesn't take shit from anyone.
I think hes doing a great job so far but clearly all this bitching from players and pvp is annoying the staff.
Kat Asherstone wrote:

We all know that the PvP issue right now has lots of people butt hurt, which is probably why people would want Boris back... he let the situation slip into near Russian PK status...Current Admin has said they are going to pull it back
Your blaming the childish actions and attitude of the playerbase on boris because he gave them the freedom to roam free and fight each other. Thats kind of like arresting every american gunshop's salesman for murder due to the stupidity of the weapon users. Perhaps a bad comparison
This is all down to the players, the current staff are doing a great job but equally boris was a good admin.
naw you misunderstand Athan, I am only saying that when Boris was Admin he allowed X... Ares has now publicly stated that his Administration will NOT pander to pushing the X line... in fact he has said he will bring it back a little ways to a more Y position and now people are VERY upset about it... this is not about Boris, like I said he did a pretty good job when he was Admin, but that was then, this is now... HOWEVER, as Do'Brim stated in the General forum on the topic of what to do "You guys need strong leadership, someone with a final word. It doesn't matter if that leader judges right or wrong, as long as there's that one guy with authority."

Ares has made a strong leadership decision... he said "We are reigning this in NOW, and I'm going to let you guys help us decide how we do it" and in response we get a post like this... Umm, you just got done in one post asking for him to make a strong decision, he HAS made a decision and now you're going to try and undermine it?
Bad form, very bad form.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:20 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Palma wrote:I had to vote yes.

Nothing against anyone but, this daily drama... not knowing what to do with our chars afraid of tomorrow's sudden changes, fear of unfair decisions, being branded ilegal when 10+ years legal, being forced to constantly defend against unfair changes versus every greedy request from players daily on the forum, fear of the staff being against us players/groups because of what others invent, etc. Has to stop.

Everything is just way too scary right now and there's too much uncertainty. I for one miss the time when I could just get home and play.
I don't know if this is serious or not, but I have personally felt that it was much easier to know what tomorrow will bring under current Admin than prior... I know with THIS administration if I send an SS of someone Rez killing new players or corpse camping I'll get a legit response...or at least an explanation why it's not the case of a rule being broken, not a simple "Naw, that's not illegal" when the rules specifically state it is.

It might be because I'm not in a religion currently and don't spend my time playing looking for other players to fight against... but that's not ALL the game offers.. you can log in and do other things... hunt/craft/Roleplay/tickle a cat... PvP is not the only thing in the game and with the current Administration it looks like it's going to be a paradigm shift as to how that PvP will effect things... don't count it out, it's just going to change... there are very few rules that have been here 10+ years... those probably won't change, but looting/who you can guild with/ limited religion on accounts those things can change, they have and might... it's not a bad thing, and it might even make it more fun for those people who want to PvP without feeling they HAVE to be in a religion or feel they HAVE to meta-game.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:24 pm
by Cirius Do'Brim
Kat Asherstone wrote:It might be because I'm not in a religion currently...

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:32 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Cirius Do'Brim wrote:
Kat Asherstone wrote:It might be because I'm not in a religion currently...
Don't forget the most important part of that "and don't spend my time playing looking for other players to fight against."

It's one thing to be in a religion... it used to be a prestigious thing to be in one, the amount of roleplay used to be a HUGE aspect... now religions are just PvP teams... might as well just drop the religion thing and start calling them
Team White
Team Black
Team Green
Team Orange

I mean ffs, half this shit going on 7+ years ago would have 90% of these guys piety dropped so bad their tomes would break just on use. That's sad.

Re: What to do re: PvP #69 - Bring back Boris?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:45 pm
by Vaux27
No offense, but please stop posting Kat. You're spamming and have no clue what you're talking about regarding Boris. You're obviously upset still, your rants were evident. Let the topic go back to original ground.