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Pangaea support ticket system (important)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:12 am
by Monad
We have opened a new support system to

How to submit a ticket?

1. Click the "Open new ticket" -button

2. Fill in the form, select your help topic and click "Submit Ticket" (you can include screenshots too)

3. You'll receive an email when we respond to your ticket

Help topics:
  • Bugs - All abusable bugs and bugs which you don't feel comfortable reporting on public forums you can do here
    Forums - Any issues with forums
    Player account - Any issues with your player account
    Report a player - If a player violates a rule or harras you, you can report it here. You can also include screenshots on your ticket.
    Server problem - If you have problems with the server
    Website - If you have problems with the website
    Anything else - Questions, feedback, anything, select this
Reminder: DO NOT use the forums for reporting a player of illegal activity. With this system in place, there is no any reason to do that, and by doing so will result in a forum jail.