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Shard update 08.25 (player vendors)

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:52 am
by Iktomi
Ares has gone ahead and developed the player vendor system for us, and it's awesome. Player vendors take a 10% commission of anything sold through them and will decay after 3 months of no interaction by their owner. Each player vendor deed also comes with a permanent (taxless) stall in Mushroom Market that includes 20 lockdowns, 1 secure and 1 container.

Player vendors are able to sell stacks of items (with price set per item), are able to place items on display for sale, and are able to purchase items at a price defined by the player vendor.

I've gone ahead and updated the commands on the webpage, available here.

Information about receiving a player vendor is on the roleplay boards. We're starting with a limited release of 10, but will likely expand the number of available vendors (and market locations) as we go ahead. If/when new market areas open, existing vendor owners will have the option to relocate.


Re: Shard update 08.25 (player vendors)

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:27 pm
by Ares
I think it's necessary to emphasize that these guys are in beta still. Bugs will appear along the way, but we'll do our best to fix them asap.

Re: Shard update 08.25 (player vendors)

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:55 pm
by Iktomi
Ares wrote:I think it's necessary to emphasize that these guys are in beta still. Bugs will appear along the way, but we'll do our best to fix them asap.
And in this respect, we suggest that at least at first, the people who own them to avoid using them to sell their indestructible onyx scepters of vanquishing. At least for the first month or so.

Re: Shard update 08.25 (player vendors)

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:02 pm
by Iktomi
One final note re: player vendors. We will probably not issue more player vendors for at least a few months, and player vendors will always be only allowed in set market areas (another market area will be established with the next release of player vendors; however, the location will be up for competition).

Re: Shard update 08.25 (player vendors)

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:38 pm
by Iktomi
Thanks to all the players who have helped us working out the bugs with the vendors. They're starting to look good!

Just one additional note, your market stalls are not safe-logout zones. Please be sure to still go to the inn or your house.