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Updates 20140302

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:37 am
by Mox
* New NPC have been added
* Entering the traininggrounds cures the plague
* Seer commands have been added (for more detail check out the counselorforum)
* fixing the no-spawning of vampiric bats
* Using a sigil now has a LOS check
* Textual change when using the .halt command
* Some minor bugs have been fixed
* The fiends have had flame strike replaced with an elemental equivalent (poison strike for poison fiend for example)

For cooks:
* Added rawsausages and lard to lootpool
* Boosting the lime/lemon inventory of farmers and innkeepers

For treasurehunters and scribes:
* Change in decoding treasure maps (tattered, frazzled, frayed, worn, ragged). From this day on you can gain cartography by decoding these maps succesfully.

Re: Updates 20140302

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:48 pm
by Ares
Whoops, one thing we forgot:

The difficulty when making maps with cartography has been adjusted. The 3 maps are now equally far apart in difficulty. The 3rd map has been made harder, meaning it's now actually possible to GM cartography by drawing maps.