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Heads up: Food / hunger / nutrition - IMPORTANT CHANGES!

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:54 pm
by Ares
So! Just a little warning.. We're changing the hunger system.

How it used to work:
Right now your hunger level increases every 30 minutes untill you're starving (level 10) where you start taking (minor) damage and your stamina level drops fast. When you eat some food, your hunger decreases, obviously.

How it will work:
Your hunger bar consists of 25 points. 25 being stuffed. Every 15 minutes 1 point will fall off. When you eat, your hunger bar is filled back up by whatever nutritional value your selected food has (1 to 10)
That means that an UO day consists of 19 points (4 hours, 45 mins) and 2 good meals will hold you up.

Here's the important part: When you reach 0 hunger, you die.

No it's not April 1st. We're going back to our hardcore roots.
We're hoping this'll make cooks much more important to the shard, and actally give them desirable products. We've also revised the nutritional values of the foods (thanks Boris!) and added some missing food items to the lootpool, the farmer and inn keeper sells more fruits and the create food spell doesn't create cooked foods anymore.. Plus, it's sort of fun..

The changes will be implemented later tonight (21 GMT+1, that's 4 hours from now), so start stocking your pantries!