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PangRunUO Update - 14/08/2014

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:09 pm
by Iktomi
Noteworthy progress since the last update:
- Ondoher has been added as a world spawner
- Elemental breath effects scripted
- The following regions have been spawned: Britain, Ice Island, Nujel'm, Vesper, Minoc, Cove, Serpents Hold

Also, we have finished work on the testing area, and are planning to open access to this as of Monday, August 18th. More information to follow.

If you would like an account to access the test area, please send me a PM with the desired username/password (it should probably be different than your PangPOL ones)

Re: PangRunUO Update - 14/08/2014

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:55 pm
by Iktomi
Oh, and just as an additional note, I'm not going to reply once I've got your PM. Will just announce when everyone's account should be ready and you can let me know if it's not working.

Re: PangRunUO Update - 14/08/2014

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:55 am
by Iktomi
For those of you taking part in the testing (which is currently planned to be ongoing), you will need to do the following:

- Download and install the classic client from here and make sure to install it in a different folder than PangPOL (it should default to a different folder).
- Run the patcher until you are at the most up-to-date version
- Download and install a launcher, either Razor or UO Steam
- Download the new statics from here and copy them into your new UO folder (overwriting the existing ones)

- Run your launcher as administrator
- Set it to remove encryption
- The IP is: and Port is: 2593
- Login as normal using the account details that you provided

Will provide further information about the actual testing area, how to provide feedback etc., closer to the time.

Re: PangRunUO Update - 14/08/2014

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:57 am
by Iktomi
I will be creating accounts tonight and then you should have access. Feel free to play around in the testing area on your own time (but we will eventually organise scheduled testing periods for specific items if need be).

I've created a bunch of General Discussion topics to try and organise the discussions, so please do provide as much feedback as you can. Also, if you notice anything that's obviously a bug, please put it in the Bugs forum with the subject "RunUO - whatever the bug is"

Re: PangRunUO Update - 14/08/2014

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:46 pm
by Iktomi
Just waiting to do some last updates to the code. Hopefully it will be tonight, otherwise will postpone the test opening until tomorrow night. Will post here once accounts have been created.

Re: PangRunUO Update - 14/08/2014

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:56 pm
by Iktomi
Accounts have now been created.

Players will automatically start in the test area. There are resources on the ground for testing, plus a blacksmith and armourer for purchasing additional equipment.

In the teleporter to the left you will be taken the star room that has the various guildmasters. You will need to take one of the black orb on the ground here, which will automatically boost you to maximum stats/skills. Then you can go ahead and join a class of your choosing, same as PangPOL. Using the black orb again will max you in that class.

When you wish to change classes, request to leave your class, same as on PangPOL, then use the book item locked down on the floor to clear your class-change cooldown. Then you can go ahead, use the black orb again to re-maximize yourself and join another class.

If you get bugged, just create a new character.

In the rooms off the hallway to the north of the starting room are spawners for different types of mobs. As they're killed, a different type of mob from the same category will spawn.

Finally, feel free to test PvP between yourselves, but no unwanted PvP and no generally asshole-ish behaviour. Anyone reported for this type of behaviour will be warned and then have their access revoked.

Re: PangRunUO Update - 14/08/2014

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:25 pm
by Iktomi
Note: There seems to be an issue with Razor and unequiping things from your paperdoll, this issue does not seem to apply to people using UO Steam. If you have problems running UO Steam, make sure that you have the most recent version of Microsoft Visual C++ and that you're running UO Steam as the administrator.