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Next steps

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:04 pm
by Iktomi
Was hoping to have the character transfers started this weekend but there's been a couple minor delays. Imagine that they will take place over the upcoming week.

Follow the instructions here if you would like to be prepared.

Basically what will happen next is that we will post a link with the updated statics files and the decrypted client, which will need to be copied into your updated UO folder (will provide more instructions at that time).

We're still determining the best way to do account creations. As soon as that's sorted, we will provide further instructions.

We plan to do character transfers over the next week. Players need to be online on PangRunUO for the transfer to happen (and thus will need to wait until we've sorted the account creation issue), then their characters will get put into a holding area until we're ready to go live.

Re: Next steps

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:36 pm
by Iktomi
I've gone ahead and updated the Connecting to Pangaea post to include a working link to the client decryptor. Will provide a download link (and announcement) for the new statics once we are closer to the date to ensure that we start with the most up-to-date version.

For those of you that already have test accounts, you can use those (after deleting all test characters) or have us delete the test account so you can create a new one. For others, your account will automatically be created on first logon.

When creating characters, be sure to name your character exactly as it is on PangPOL, as this is required for the character transfer process. Once your characters are created, you will be placed in a holding area with a book that will allow you to set your base class, skills, etc. Be sure to pick your base class the same as it was on PangPOL.

I will try and log onto ICQ (13416771) when I'm around my computer for the coming days, generally between 4am-5:30am (GMT) and 6pm-8:30pm (GMT) daily. Send me a message if you see me online and I'll log in to complete the character transfer.

Also, as should go without saying, any sort of unreported glitches, exploits or attempts to game the system will be punished accordingly.

Re: Next steps

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:12 pm
by Iktomi
Just to clarify, when you first log in you will be stuck in a cell room with only the book to pick your skills/stats. From there you need to wait for Palma or I to complete the character transfer.

Re: Next steps

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:02 pm
by Iktomi
Players must be logged in for the character transfer to take place (hence the needing to try and contact myself of Palma to complete the transfer).

Re: Next steps

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:49 am
by Iktomi
One additional note, if you want to change your gender (in addition to changing your name), just create the desired gender when you create your character on PangRunUO.

So, for example, if Ivan wanted to have a female barbarian in the new world, he would create a female character on PangRunUO named Ivan; Palma or I would complete the character transfer; then Ivan would use the rename deed to change his name to Beatrix Buttercup.