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War has begon With Law and Imperial

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:42 pm
by Alteran
-Only guilds that appear to either side with green lettering (tags) will be turned Auto War.
- All Imperial members are to be instantly turned red in Felucca, and all Order of Law members are to be instantly turned red in Malas.
- If items are looted and thus decided to be returned, they will be returned to the Head Priest of participating religion of that person's realm under a flag of truce.
- Neutral people are not to interfere unless attacked, or they choose to attack either participating religion.
- Both religions have agreed that no non-allied, nor non-religion affiliated person will be dry looted permanantly. Their items will instead be taken, and returned to the Head Priest of the participating religion of that person's realm under a flag of truce after the battle.
- If any non-guild ally, or non-religion affiliated person attacks either participating religion, the attacked religion will be allowed to defend themselves within reason.
- Though any participating non-guild ally, or non-religion affiliated person will not be permanantly dry looted, if they choose to ally themselves with a particular religion, they will be considered an enemy to their, if their Head Priest so chooses them to be.
- In order to seperate loot from someone who is a Non Affliate, or non ally, loot gathered from their bodies will be placed in separate bags.
-IF Imperial or Order of Law members are encountered during hunting, and are killed, magic cloths are not to be looted, but as far as taking them to a fight, they are fair game.
- Elite Weapons are fair game. If you wear it, be prepared to lose it.
- Imprisonment is NOT allowed under any circumstances.
- Malediction is NOT allowed under any circumstances.
- All confrontations/attacks between either participating religions are to be fully roleplayed. If enemy participant is present.

Either side failing to abide by the rules will be punished harshly by staff, or by religion heirarchy.

If anyone is uncertain about "What is helping, and what is not helping" feel free to refer to my outline of what is to be considered helping, and what isn't located below.

However, stipulations should be set, though on what is, and what isn't helping.

Gating - Does not count as helping as LONG as the gate is AWAY from the battle and not into one.
Blessing - Counts as helping.
Ressurecting in the middle of a battle - Counts as helping unless the ressurected immediately leaves the battlefield using his/her own means.
Cursing (druid, mage, etc) - Counts as helping.
Paralysing - Counts as helping.
Looting - Counts as helping.
Anyone wearing blessed weapons or armour of either participating religion - Counts as helping.
Curing - Counts as helping ONLY if it affects the abilities of a participating religion member to continue to fight.
Spreading Plague - Counts as helping.
Curing Plague - Does not count as helping, as anyone can get infected.
Killing horses - Counts as helping.
Leading horses away by attacking them - Counts as helping.
Throwing potions (shockwave, flashbang, etc) - Counts as helping.
Providing weapons/armour for the participants - Counts as helping.
Providing focus material for the participants - Counts as helping.
Providing horses/mounts for participants - Only counts as helping IF the person using the mount continues to fight. Does not count if the person decides to flee. Onus is on the giver to ensure the use of the beast.
Using offensive, defencive, or aiding magic of any kind for either participants - Counts as helping.
Using offensive, defencive, or aiding songs of any kind for either participants - Counts as helping.
Basically... It's common sense whether you're helping or not.

Note, these stipulations are ONLY to be used during battle.

Thise are the new rules that Imperial and Law are following.
The war may Begin Thursday from the time frame of the server.
Aprouven by the Staff.