Updates 11.1

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Updates 11.1

Post by Wille »

Provocation revision
Previously there were several monsters with broken provocation difficulties, such as ravager at difficulty 40. Provocation was missing line of sight check between the monsters and to the initial target.

There was also a fixed 15% failrate independent of the monster.

Provocation has now been revised as follows:

Freak category, some overland mobs, etc now have difficulty reflecting their actual stats.

You now need to see your targets, and the target needs to see it's opponent. Targets are picked simultaneously.

Instead of a fixed 15% failrate independent of the target, the target now determines the fixed failrate. Regular monsters have no fixed failrate, strong monsters have 15% fixed failrate. A normal dragon would for example have 15% fixed failrate, ogre lord none.

In addition, the following monsters have a special fixed failrate:
- Shodutas, Ancient Dragon, Balron, Wanderer: No chance to provo against
- Lota, Great Dragon: Small chance to provo against
- Fiends: Moderate chance to provo against
Hear it not my lord, for it is a knell. That summons thee to heaven, or to hell.
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