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New status: robber

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:40 pm
by Boris
We have implemented a new status for robbers.

From this day and forward, we will flag all robbers with .robber status.

Players can not see the difference between a normal status and a robber status. It is created for our supervision.

This update does not come without consequences. If you're flagged as a robber, all guards will attack you. You are not allowed to rob other players, without robber status.

Practically this means the following:
  • If you're a robber, you will have no safe place (all guards, incl. Tekstone and Imperial guards attack you).
    If you're "just" red and not a robber, Tekstone guards (and possibly Imperial guards) still protect you.
Contact a member of the staff if you wish to be flagged as a robber. A Q&A section has been created to General Discussion.

- Boris