I'm going to be involved in a very large SBVR construction project and it's going to take pretty much all my time, free and work, for the next couple of months. It will go on after that but my core job will hopefully be done by then.
During this time I won't be reading much of the forums or icq and I will be doing only critical updates on the shard. Keep the first post of your idea threads well updated on the input other people have given and they have a much bigger chance of being taken seriously and implemented once I have time again.
Currently I have a couple of important issues that I will look into, like poisoning, and I will fix them as soon as I can. So don't spam my icq too much, thanks.
Busy schedule, little updates
Busy schedule, little updates
Hear it not my lord, for it is a knell. That summons thee to heaven, or to hell.