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How to connect to the Pangaea Server (add Safe Net)

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:50 am
by Neon
Find login.cfg in your UO folder.
Open it with Notepad.

Copy past this in:

; login.cfg file for Pangaea

When you logon you will now see 2 Pangaea

The first is Main IP "Pangaea" remember to choose this when you logon.
The second is "Pangaea (Safe)" If the main network is down choose this one when you logon.

The main IP is, this IP is the one you normally needs to contact.
But if this IP is down.
Then try the backup Safe net IP.

Make the Login.cfg look like this:

; login.cfg file for Pangaea

You will under network breakdown be able to use this IP.

If it is not working then the server properly got a power break down.

Remember always to look on the forum. If the IP is down it will properly be announced here.
When the problem is fixed then change back to the normally IP.

The normally IP: It is a 2/2 Mbit. Will from the 1. of April be a 6/2 Mbit.

The Safe net IP: is a 1/512 Mbit so expect lagg on this network line.

This was made to avoid long breaks from playing on Pangaea.

If the main network is down and no one have announced it, Then you will be the one to do that.

The Staff

Re: How to connect to the Pangaea Server (add Safe Net)

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:32 am
by Neon
If you are running on the "Pangaea"

You can see the name in the blue window bar at top.
Ultima Online - Your Name (Pangaea)

And your Login.cfg looks like this.
; login.cfg file for Pangaea

If you are running on the "Pangaea (Safe)"

You can see the name in the blue window bar at top.
Ultima Online - Your Name (Pangaea(Safe))

And your Login.cfg looks like this.
; login.cfg file for Pangaea

If you remove the ( ; ) in front of both IP.

You will be able to login on both of the IP with out changing the logon.cfg all the time.

Remember if you normally use "Enter" button after password, to jump quick over the server choice.
It will auto take the last one you was using.