- Health regeneration rate of Warriors has been boosted (10/tick) *
- AR no longer affects the damage recieved from Stone Rain
- Tidal Wave slightly adjusted in PvP
- Snow Storm now does the same damage in the center of the Storm as further away
- Firesnakes no longer award with virtue, attack each other nor the caster
- Rebirth now works around non-hostile creatures (cows, chicken, etc.)
- Nature coloured clothes can only be worn by Nature
- Bard songs have a different hue (blue)
- Exodus minion loot slightly boosted
- Tinkers can now make obsidian/porcelain packhorses and llamas
- Dissimulo rite (Tekstone) hopefully and most likely, fixed for the last time
- Disperse fireball (balron/void spell) nerfed clearly
*) The high health regeneration rate on Warriors is a test run. Feedback is welcomed.
Updates 2.10.
Updates 2.10.
Leather armor is best for sneaking, because it's literally made from hide.