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Town Siege (updated 5.10.)

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:53 pm
by Ares
Any religion is now able to take Nujel'm as we are testing out a new siege system.

More info here

Re: Town Siege (updated 5.10.)

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 3:04 pm
by Monad
All guarded towns now have Town Stones placed and can be sieged (except Britain, Moonglow, Wind and Yew)

Here is a summary of how the stones and siege works:
  • - Casting siege on the stone starts the town siege
    - After the siege starts, every 10 minutes 1 guard (alive or in the spawnqueue), will be converted into the attacking religions guard.
    - During the siege, there will be a global message every 30 minutes warning that the attacking religions hold of the town is growing stronger (just as the beginning and end is announced).
    - When all guards have been converted the siege is over and the attacking religion takes the town
    - If however, the defending religion casts siege themselves on the stone before all guards have been converted, the siege is broken and all guards are immideately converted back.
    - There can be only one siege on-going at same time
    - After a succesful siege, you can start another after 48 hours
    - If your siege is interrupted, aka failed, you can start another after 48 hours
Starting a siege requires 300 piety
Ending a siege requires 60 piety.

Happy weekend. ;)