A letter to the order of Imperial.

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Meghana Arroway
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A letter to the order of Imperial.

Post by Meghana Arroway »

Meghana buries her bruised face in her hands. Her friendship with Raemonn has deepened enough for her to go this far? To stand against these men of blind justice. Before it was only just a joke or two tossed at whom she referred to as "men in diapers".
Now she is an outlaw, and for what? Her options are few, she knows. She takes a pen, and begins to scribble her plea down on a piece of paper:

"Esteemed priests and priestesses,

I have run into trouble with the Order of Law during a recent battle. I helped a friend, and a priest of your order, and am now outlawed in Britain. I seek an audience with you, so I can discuss my future in person. To be quite true, it does not look bright.

This is my solemn plea for help.

Yours truly,
Meghana Arroway
Resident of Moonglow"

Meghana rolls the piece of paper, and seals it properly using hot wax. The bird flies out her window, and Meghana looks outside as it disappears from sight, and she is lost in thought.
Meghana Arroway - Aspiring Bard and Songwriter
Lyon Cera - A Buccaneer's Den former Thug, with emphasis on "former"
Alastor Wormsent - A priest without a job, does that make him a hobo?
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Re: A letter to the order of Imperial.

Post by Vaux27 »

Greetings Meghana,

I have been informed by Brother Kaal of the incidents that occurred near the false king's city of Britain. Worry not, for the Law that you've once known is not worth fearing today. Their laws within their few cities only fall on deaf ears I'm afraid, as their lack of protection has left many citizens seeking Her guidance. The reach of their disbanding Order lessens by the day, so there is no need for feeling hardship over any of their foolish words. I shall grant your request of an audience, and will notify Brother Kaal of the time and place to inform you.

May Her light guide your path,

Raoul Vaux
Head Priest
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