Law Officers gone bad!

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Law Officers gone bad!

Post by Guilmor »

So I'm just a normal citizen, i pay my taxes, i dont bother people, i do my job.
I was asked by a Bowyer (that shall remain unnamed) to make a study about the aplications of woods to long range weaponry, i pick up my things at the bank and head down to the sewers to kill so rats and write my papers.

I reach the entrance in front of the Inn and i come to face this person, i did not know, not identified in any way, asking me for 100 gold pieces in order to go in, or my passage would be blocked... i was amaized by this and managed to "bargain" my way into passing for free (lets just say this person tends to give in to a little slapping threat). In the mean time, 2 Officers of the Law come by, the person removes itself from the entrance and i go in.

I spent there a while, everything normal, rat dies, information is gathered and then i come back to the surface, and this is what happens:

Now i know that for some this is meaningless but, this is the state of the Law from my eyes, they dont care, unless it brings them shiinies.... Failed to address someone extorking, selling drugs to pedestrians, one of them even insulted me for trying to have this conversation... And from what i've been told, one of them is actually quite a seniour member.

I dont expect any response to this from the Head Priestes but, just to let you know, how little things tend to show you the character of people.

Have a nice afternoon and safe travels
Yours trully
Frizl Deadspot
Kent Strider

Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Post by Kent Strider »

I was there the entire time, she didn't extort any money from you, I told you, show me proof.
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Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Post by Quintoz »

I've been hearing about theese thugs collecting protection money, perhaps your not doing your job well enough.

Mary Manatee
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Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Post by Mary Manatee »

*Reads the note and laughs quietly. Then places a reply, slightly smelling of fish and cigars*
I have never in my life heard such nonsense! Why in the wave elementals name would I ask anyone for gold in a rude manner like you describe!
I am a lady of the sea! And after a long day at sea, I had been running from New Haven to Britain to stock my catching. On the way I ran into a blizzard and my hands and toes were frozen blue. Therefore I took shelter in the town walls, lighting a camp fire to roast a sausage and get some heating before heading home.
The kind officers were patrolling outside in the cold, so obviously I offered them a sausage and some heat from my camp fire. Not drugs like you so wrongly accuse us of! There was a man not too far from us, who was smoking a cigar, that might have been what you assume was the smell of drugs.
If anyone has his doubts of this, you can ask any of my costumers if I am to be a person like you claim!
Drugs and blackmail! You should wash your mouth with soap and give the kind officers and I an apology!
We even offered you a bite to eat. Shame on you. Shame shame on you sir!
-A. Manatee
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Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Post by Guilmor »

I will give no such apology, plus, it is right there, clear as water, they didnt even want the profs, all they wanted was to give drugs and have a good time, Sir Winchester if probably eating his own face after this behaviour...

If a common man needs to tell those in the Order how to do his job, then your are just as good as those that rob, just in a white coat.

And you missy, you are either sidetracking part of the money to them, or doing something i dare not say in public because children may read, children that by the way may or may not have experienced drugs thanks to these men.

If those in charge want to take action towards these events, good, it would restore a little part of my faith in justice, if not, good day to you and hope to never have to rely on you.

Frizl Deadspot
Mary Manatee
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Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Post by Mary Manatee »

Dear Sir Fizzelpots!
I do not see what it is you see, except a note you have placed in public, smushing our good names in horse dung.
You write: “it is right there, clear as water”. What is? Anyone could have written that note of some random people talking. Perhaps you should seek out an alchemist or a healer, to see if they have any cure for your delusions. I wish you good health and full stomach.
-A. Manatee
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Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Post by Masano »

Niether the smoking or selling of Wizard weed or Cigars are against the Law. If you have evidence of extortion then send it to me and Ill investigate it.

~Eldath Valenta
Elder Priest
Order of Law
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Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Post by Guilmor »

Smoking and selling Wizard weed is not a crime, free-worldly-enough. Tho i think i speak for alot of us "common people" that a Law officer under the influence isnt a good sign of trust, but fair enough.

Now onto the real subject of the matter miss? Eldath:
- The profs you want u may find them in the bottom of the bin outside the Inn since your helpful subject told me to shove them where the sun doesnt shine and i quote: "I dont care" and "Tell the world the Law cares not".
- Only AFTER i have brought this to public does he now seem interested in the proof.
- The event foretold above? All true, so be it that u can clearly see in them, this woman actually trying to buy my silence and i quote: "I will pay you two hundred to ride your steed home sir!". Now she comes here, to lie, and to be honest to a point it gets silly. They werent smoking? RIGHT when i told the officer i dont smoke weed and i stay clean he answered and i quote: "I dont, Life is too short". Even this, clearly documentated she denies...

Now if you take the citizens of this town as liars and idiots go ahead, my mind is set, if you actually have any kind of respect for those that you say you protect? You'll do something about it.

PS: On a side note, i dont document, in whatever way you seem fit, every step of my life but next time i see something ill say "HOLD ON THERE LET ME GET A PAPER AND A PENCIL SO I CAN DRAW YOU CAREFULLY AND IN DETAIL JUST IN CASE"....please.....

Yours truly
Frizl Deadspot
Kent Strider

Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Post by Kent Strider »

Come on guy, I was off duty!

Kent Strider
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Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Post by Masano »

We aim to keep the streets of Britain relaxed and an enjoyable place to be. I see no evidence of any threats made by the person you claim tried to extort money from you. Nor do I see any evidence that there was an attempt to take the money from you forceably. It is my judgement that even if this woman did ask for 100 gold, that it was a tongue in cheek remark and not to be taken seriously. As far as the Order of Law is concerned, this matter is concluded and no action will be taken against Mary Manatee or yourself. I take a very dim view of people making public accusations and I strongly suggest that any future queries or accusations are sent privately to an officer of Law instead.

~Eldath Valenta.
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