To Order of Law

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Darian Darkmind
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Re: To Order of Law

Post by Darian Darkmind »

To Sebby Kos,

It is the "righteous" Order of Law that is blinded by the lies of their king. It is they who stand against our faith, not the other way around. We must only strike to defend ourselves. And for these reasons alone all those serving under the white banners or looking protection behind them are destined to fall. Good will always thriumph over evil and as such we will always triumph over the false prophets. It is written in the stars, it is our destiny. If it is peace and shelter you look I suggest you to turn your glance to somewhere else and retreat from the fallen kingdom. The Great Keep of Serpent's Hold is declared under our protection and in there you should be safe from any harm.

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Re: To Order of Law

Post by Sebby »

To Darian,

i respectfully do not wish to pick faiths at this time and moment merly observe and help my fellow man or woman in times of need so longs as i am able. you say serpents hold is safe but that is only one island. where as britain is a continent with many towns. all four religions preach that they are the correct ones for this land for this world somewhere there is truth, but i feel i must help protect the town of britian not becasue of the order that resides in its walls, but thof the innocents living amongst the town. i feel that any war should not be waged with in them but out in feilds where there is no where to hide from your foes, for there you will find ture honour

as a citezen of this town i ask that should your followers of dennac with to have it with law take it out side of the town where no innocents will suffer

Sebby Kos
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Re: To Order of Law

Post by Gullivral »

*Patrick Lance chuckles heartily as he takes in the prophetic tug of war inscribed on the public boards*

You see double "D" even the travel inexperienced Sebby Kos knows it is not wise to trust your words!

A good choice Sebby, the alleged "safe haven" known as serpents hold happens to be inhabited by 75% of your daily oppressors. It would be wise to avoid this place unless on brief business or with a fitted caravan.

You know we come running to dispel plague, dash in valiantly to vanquish fiend and foe, always with Winchesters sword held high guiding our actions.

There isn't much else to say here

-=Patrick Lance=- Beseecher OoL
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Re: To Order of Law

Post by Darian Darkmind »

My old friend Patrick, it truly saddens me to see your once clear vision now clouded and blinded by the white light of a false god. You know my word is solid or have you forgotten you once followed it yourself. You once knew our path to be true and just, you once fought with your life to bring forth the one true perfect world - the world freed of tyrants, false prophets and blinding lights.

You are correct, it might be the most of your, the Order of Law and your king's oppressors inhabit the Serpent's Hold, but you also know there is no place safer than being protected by Dennac. And although we are your oppressors that does not mean that your citizens must suffer for your crimes. They can all move to safety within the walls of Serpent's Hold, to the protection of Dennac's able hands.

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Re: To Order of Law

Post by Yonki »

Darian Darkmind wrote:You Robert Drake of Law must be an idiot without a comparison. Admitting your crimes here cannot go unanswered for. The magnitude of your ignorance must be answered and retribution must be given. The next attack is on you Robert so I suggest you to arm yourself and put your words into action. Proof yourself worthy of the lie you spread, kill one of us and I will call off the attack.

"Reads the note and laughs..."

Dear DD. I admit gladly that intelligence has never been my strong area... my talents... are better served elsewhere... But you stating that I have admitted to crimes... that have to be answered for... and then call this confession a lie... looks quite unintelligent to me... which is it...? maybe we do have someting in common after all...
I am also very impressed... that your whole bad smelling cult... will come after me... makes me feel like... wanted... but then again... your so called cult... is nothing more than band of robbers... as we saw recently... and have proof of...

-Robert Drake.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: To Order of Law

Post by Darian Darkmind »

It makes me wonder why I even write this letter as you are obviously a man lacking any intelligence. Your lie was not that you attacked our temple, but it was the bold claim you made saying you could kill us. That is what I want you to proof. Kill us and show your so called talents that serve you on better areas. Although I strongly believe the only talent you have is your mouth filled with lies.

Kent Strider

Re: To Order of Law

Post by Kent Strider »

*Kent walks up to the boards and laughs heartily as he scrolls through the note to Law*

"Things never change do they boy?" *He reaches down and pets his new dog Rocko*
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Re: To Order of Law

Post by Yonki »

Darian Darkmind wrote:It makes me wonder why I even write this letter as you are obviously a man lacking any intelligence. Your lie was not that you attacked our temple, but it was the bold claim you made saying you could kill us. That is what I want you to proof. Kill us and show your so called talents that serve you on better areas. Although I strongly believe the only talent you have is your mouth filled with lies.

"Reads the note and looks puzzled... then writes the following..."

Dear DD... Even though I lack intelligence... You seem to have the same problem... which worries me... Is my intelligence increasing...? Or my enemies decreasing...?
I never said I could kill you... now... read again... I said maybe I should... I never talked about a specific time... but have no worries... that time will come...but I did kill 4 of your guards... that is no lie... and I did say hello to your emissary... that is no lie either... I have proof... but then again... how did I do it...? Time will tell...
And by the way... take care of your robbers... in the meantime... I am sure your so called god... is thrilled of your cult actions...

-Robert Drake.
Last edited by Yonki on Tue May 01, 2012 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: To Order of Law

Post by Mike »

I would... recommend that... you... write more... coherently... so that... your asinine... words are... not misinterpreted...

Titus Albinus
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Re: To Order of Law

Post by Yonki »

Mike wrote:I would... recommend that... you... write more... coherently... so that... your asinine... words are... not misinterpreted...

Titus Albinus
"Reads the note and laughs even more... then writes... unintelligently..."

I cannot... because I lack the... what do you call it...? Intelligence... yes that is the word... just keep on robbing people... and I shall keep writing unintelligent words...
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