A book for the People; you need to know the truth!

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Maximilian Lhoth
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A book for the People; you need to know the truth!

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

I have written a book about the deity Esuna. My intent was to be objective and honest when I wrote it. The information needs to be available to the public. The contents of the book I will publish to all here, but also you can get a genuine book with my autograph. The people need to know the truth.

Sebastian Lhoth

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Gorath Blackmind
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Re: A book for the People; you need to know the truth!

Post by Gorath Blackmind »

How may I purchase this book from ye? I'd love to know what REALLY happened!

-Sebastian Slade, Stabber of Weak Mundane Creatures.
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Re: A book for the People; you need to know the truth!

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

I will privately contact you so you can get the book free of charge.

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Re: A book for the People; you need to know the truth!

Post by Vaux27 »

To all that reads this filth,

As Her current true vessel and answer to the people, I'm here to set the tone of truth. Do not trust this propaganda, only the actions that you see before you today. It is true Her march has come onto the mainland, but this is far from the past. Under Her eyes and the Imperium's new leadership, the only truth is that we are forgiving and do not wish to hurt the innocent. The ones in white however, you have never been as innocent as you claim. Corrupted are the ways of your thinking, believing you're protecting the citizens of Britannia while there is no real protection. Killing innocents inside your own cities for not obeying your "Laws", and turning your hatred on our unarmed citizens under Her guidance. You've become savages even in a time of war and this is the real truth of today.

Let this be known now, no man or woman, even I for that matter and especially not this Sloth character, knows of Her true path. That is the only truth with these words, that they are false. We know only what She wishes for us to know, therefor this is yet again a skewed view on all that has happened. You're certainly not worthy to speak or write Her name, but it doesn't surprise myself that your corrupted soul would go this far. If anyone wishes to know the truth, come to Her temple in Moonglow. The very place this Sloth visits daily, to obsess with his plague, the very thing their alliance opposes. This is simply the result of a Law officer that has fallen far from grace and gone quite mad, as his actions have grown quite sad with this being the saddest.

I am not angry however, I pity you. The march of truth continues, and there is nothing that you or your men can do. May She have mercy on your soul.

Raoul Vaux
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Re: A book for the People; you need to know the truth!

Post by Evander »

You have written very fine book brother Sebastian. Its very honorable that you have had consentrated to write book about past happenings. I'd be more than happy for getting one of these books to my house for everyone to read.

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Re: A book for the People; you need to know the truth!

Post by Ricardus »

I do agree that reading about esuna's followers habits and general acts is indeed read about filth, but we all should know the truth about them.
I'll get few copys to offer to my friends.

- Raemus Stormfist
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: A book for the People; you need to know the truth!

Post by Darian Darkmind »

"My intent was to be objective and honest when I wrote it."
You claim to be objective, yet you let your own feelings guide you, you try to raise people against Imperial. That's not objective. Objectivity is about not taking sides, telling the tale as it has happened from an outside point of view to let the reader decide himself whether they are evil or not.

"This book tells why you should not trust those who worship Esuna"
Very objective wording, not.

"Trick other religions into fighting each other"
I consider myself as a sort of master scholar in history and I happen to know and remember we were fighting each other long before her appearance.

"Esuna will not tolerate other religions"
I don't know about that. We seem to be getting along well. They've also had a long lasting peace with both Law and Nature and their gods Winchester and Gaea. That was their only mistake.

"This also meant they had to declare themselves enemies of Lord British"
Remember, I was there allied to Order of Law and I was there in the front-line fighting against Imperial. The citizens were not declared enemies of Lord British even if they swore allegiance to Lord Blackthorne during the siege. Nor did Lord Blackthorne force them to do anything. If my memory serves me right, Imperial was there day and night trying their best to help those lost souls and victims of the siege. We, however, did not make it easy by constantly attacking them and eventually pushing them out of Britain.

"Imperial allied Tekstone they so much despise."
Again, the wording is all but objective.

"... they have been causing much damage"
That depends completely whom you're asking from. Objectivity, again?

"For your own good, you should not let Imperial trick you to believe they mean good"

"They are there due to ignorance"
Oh, alright, nice to know friend! To me it sounds like you're the ignorant one.

"There are non-believers who only use Esuna's powers for gaining personal wealth, pretending to follow Esuna"
Well, I cannot know their intent in heart, but I do find it weird that an enemy of Imperial claims to know this. Where's was the objectivity again?

"... seek to enslave the whole Britannia to tyranny of Esuna, taking away individual freedom."
Or was it to free them all from the current tyranny? Words are a powerful weapon when twisted to fit your own agenda.

Your sense of Objectivity is sure a weird one. I cannot know their real goals or agendas hidden behind the curtains. I cannot know for certain if they are true to their word trying to free and unite the people of Britannia or if they have malicious plans. I cannot know this, but neither do I make such claims. Only the future will show.

It sure was a good and fun read, I give you that. However, the truth and the objectivity is something you might not find in this book though.

Darian Darkmind
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Re: A book for the People; you need to know the truth!

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

People, know that you are reading the words of probably the smartest, most mischievous and influential Cultist of Tekstone of all times, Darian Darkmind. Of course this does not mean Darian Darkmind always lies - but what can you usually expect from the person who has been known as Avatar of Tekstone? I know this is a logical fallacy to claim that someone who has used to be mischievous often, must always be mischievous, but use your own common sense when listening to words of Darian Darkmind.

Sebastian Lhoth
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Re: A book for the People; you need to know the truth!

Post by Masano »

For years you plague the cities of Lord British, Lord Blackthorn and Yew, yet you seem to think that will just be forgotten. The recent smoke screen of propaganda does nothing to hide your true intentions.

Imperialists may be prepared to forget, or it may be that they are so power hungry they do not care about the past suffering of their people. Either way, the truth is now out there for all to read.

~Develin Masano
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Re: A book for the People; you need to know the truth!

Post by Daren Priesten »

This book has enlightened my understanding of the followers of Ensuna, one copy please!

-Daren Priesten
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