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Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:36 pm
by Zaradon
After all the shreds and chaos you've done with your alliance, do you really think we - Order of Nature, will allow those things to happen?

It's the life, atmosphere and the natural kingdom your alliance is destroying.
Your merchants, words and existance is a mere excuse to rule the world.
We, are here to keep the nature safe and stand up for the mark of eternal and peaceful life.
Lives, such unnecessary as creating tools and supplements to support the side, to destroy the Nature is not justified by no means and thus can be claimed as a punishment or a restriction.
We have no rituals to purify the minds of the "innocent citizens" but so far - only scepters have worked.
But do not worry, we have great members in training to purify the evil minds.
If you're interested you may sign up!

Prophet of Nature

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:53 pm
by Darian Darkmind
My dear Zabren,

Where your words might hold some truth, we are not the only alliance using the resources the nature supply to our benefit. You and your alliance does the same. All the towns you see, even the town your temple stands in is built by the blood of earth to the one that resides inside the tall walls of Britain. Thousands of trees have been pulled down with their roots in order to accomplish such castle. Our actions are but a single drop in that ocean.

However, I am glad to hear you acknowledge this. Maybe from this day on you will be facing us naked just as Gaea has created you knowing that no tree, no rock, or no animal was harmed in the cause of war... at least not by you.

Yield and surrender Gaea to the trial where her crimes against the God Family will be measured and a proper punishment given. Do this and I swear to you the nature and the life you so much love and have sworn to protect and preserve will be left to grow.


Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:33 pm
by Zaradon
We're here on about a debate of our forefathers and you know well it is not Gaea who was guilty of Dennac's mistakes.
Stop making a bad mask for the Order of Nature, as we have preserved the true balance. The true meaning of the human kind, which is life itself.
Now it's just the trigger of the chaos, the chaos and wrath which has been sucking the life from the lustrous lands of Gaea.
Dennac and his minions, shall be purified from the lands once and for all.

The Prophet

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:27 pm
by Akkarrin
Is this Dennacs servants reducing themselves to a propeganda war now? Seems you may well of been spending too much time with your orange coloured masters.


Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:33 pm
by Johnny Walac
Order of Law is not what it use to be. Now it is filled with corrupted weak willed men that lust for wealth and power. I saw this coming years ago.

A stack of notes is laid in a heap below the board

Argyle Melius

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:34 pm
by Masano
I once saw Imperial guards eating babies then having sex with livestock.

~ Fred, Skara Brae.

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:59 pm
by Darian Darkmind

It is in fact your men who hide behind alter-egos to spread false information, lies and deception. It is you who have reduced yourselves to a new level of low. I do not hide behind an anonymous name spreading lies. I am able to stand behind my words, with pride knowing they are true.

We know the people of Moonglow and I can assure you these "anonymous" are not real citizens. If they were, they'd know they have nothing to be afraid of - except the wrath of the Order of Law. It's just like Sebastian Lhoth admitted and gave word to, due to our Alliance all of Britannia's people are safe - even those living under the Lord British's law. It is only the king, his Order of Law, the Order of Nature and their allies that should tremble.

Darian Darkmind

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:03 pm
by Masano
It sure was a slippery slope... from Headpriest of Tekstone to Secretary of Propaganda for Imperial. Bewlidering times!

~Develin Masano

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:53 pm
by Johnny Walac
May Telborea save us all. You all will answer for your crimes infront of the High Judge and the gods when Emperor Taurus Victor returns.

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:23 pm
by Kerbal
Masano wrote:I once saw Imperial guards eating babies then having sex with livestock.

~ Fred, Skara Brae.
Get your facts straight. It was A guard that had sex with livestock. No babies were harmed by the culprit nor the search party. The baby was found unharmed. I personally saw to it that the guard was directed to rehabilitation and is now living his life in an undisclosed location where livestock rarely wanders.

- Kerbal Longbeard,
Knight Commander
Order of Imperial