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Re: Election Time

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:12 am
by Kent Strider
Lots of people claiming to be kings lately...

~Kent Strider

Re: Election Time

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:40 pm
by Kat Asherstone
* as a towncryer walks about telling of the coming election a young girl emerges from the local tavern drink still in her hand, grabbing up the towncryer she begins her drunken rambling*

"An Elecstion?"

"Why yes Miss, the people are showing concern at Lord British's Ability to protect his people, and a new person has asked for an election by the people"

"Ish he a King? Where ish he from?"

"My lady the people say that he comes from far away and that there he was from the line of kings"

"But he's not Lord British?"


"His son maybe?"

"No, I told you already woman, he comes from far away"


"No you wretch, a magical land beyond this world"

*The young woman begins to laugh, takes a seat and promptly falls off the bench still laughing*

"And here I was thinking that I had drank too much today"

*slaps the man on the back as she turns to leave*

"Surely this man believes he is both the fox and the lion to make such a bold attempt at the throne of a real king"

*she bows removing her cap to let her hair fall around her face masking it behind a veil of sunset tones*

"My hats off to anyone that thinks themselves a king"

*with a wink she reaches down and lifts the corner of her skirt slightly, then lets it drop*

"I think it might be time for the lands to have a queen"

Re: Election Time

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:10 pm
by Johnny Walac
*Johnny can be seen around the cities holding speeches and collecting votes*

My name is Sir Johnny Walac and I am running in the election for the throne of Felucca. You might wonder why? It saddens me to see this land being ruled by brigands and thieves. That those who cannot fight have to hide behind the walls of our city. The Order is crippled and is only an echo of its past glory. Lord British has grown old and can no longer protect his citizens. I on the other hand am willing to take this burden upon my shoulders. I swear to protect all citizens and fight off the invaders. I, Sir Johnny Walac and the people shall claim this land as our once again. I need your support in this! We shall no longer hide! We shall no longer fear for our lives! I can fight these invaders now yes, without being a Lord. But that will only be another battle in this long war. I need to end this once and for all. I need the city guard, I need the power of the people. I shall lead us into victory! Once the dusts have settled and the invaders are repelled I will create a senate. A council of trusted citizens to rule the town with me. Our current Lord has no such thing. And I call that tyranny! He alone rules this land and eat himself fat on your tax money. I cannot accept this. I cannot watch how my fellow citizens die out there on the field! I have taken up arms against the sin and corruption. Are you with me?



Re: Election Time

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:52 pm
by Gutian
I'm so tired of empty words... Empty words and empty bottles!

Signed: Drunk Citizen

Re: Election Time

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:57 am
by Kat Asherstone
*Waking up from her latest binge Kat hears the towncyer talking of a possible senate and a Noble she'd never heard of, surely she had been around long enough to know ALL the noble blood in the land, or maybe it was that last binge...getting up she grabs the towncryer ushering him into the bar to have a drink*

"You make sure to let everyone know that anyone who claims peace only brings war, and anyone who claims war desires no peace, this man is not to be trusted, He is in league with the enemy, and I can prove it... "

*with that she shoves the man off his stool with a giggle*