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Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:14 pm
by Mike
If you are so disillusioned with the leaders in this world and their motives, why not chose one with integrity, who you can trust to be a servant of the people? Oh, wait... that would call for an election.

Gaius Lucretius
The Britannian Blood Guard

Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:34 am
by Kat Asherstone
*Kat hears of the foolish words of the blood guards*

*tacking a note to the door of their post*

One does not need to have an election to have a king that is just and a servant of the people.
Let Johnny Walac answer for himself to the people, or is he a coward?

Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:58 pm
by Mike
The tyrant king will leave his seat for a champion of the people, either because they make it known they support other candidates or because they storm the keep and overthrow him. Your words imply that you prefer the second alternative. Your bloodlust would be better served defending the common man from Imperial conquest.

Gaius Lucretius
The Britannian Blood Guard

Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:39 pm
by Biggs
Anyone who follows these men will meet the same fate when the order of law catches up with them, may your souls rest in peace as inciting tyranny is a mortal crime an those whom perform it shall be cast in stone for a thousand moons.

I may also add these boys and girls can not protect you from the law of the land or imperial law you must not stray for one will be known as a criminal and cast out of any major citys, and you may not wish to live that life before your time as as behind the city walls it is full of dangers that those two great forces protect you from, denounce your alligance to the tyrants and save your souls from criminal ways

- Pablo Biggy

Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:58 pm
by Mike
He who denounces freedom does poorly to accuse those who stand for it for tyranny.

Gaius Lucretius
The Britannian Blood Guard

Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:08 pm
by Biggs
any action taken on the throne will be dealt with swiftly, those whom act will be given there freedom in the afterlife or denied freedom and put behind bars, this is the way AS breaking the law will mean either DEATH, BANISHMENT or JAIL.

- Pablo Biggy

Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:46 pm
by Mike
To spread terror is an illegitimate way to rule, something that all men who value truth and honor recognize. Not all are frightened by threats of abuse from those still in power.

Gaius Lucretius
The Britannian Blood Guard

Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:12 pm
by Vaux27
We spread no terror to the citizens of Occlo and Moonglow, we give them complete freedom and protection. Unlike the white walkers before us and certainly more so than these men with empty words.

The Order of Imperial have much bigger matters that we must attend to, and can spare no time to discuss this any further.

- Cederic Vaux

Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:24 pm
by Kat Asherstone
*Kat hears across the lands of the denouncement and rejoices; tacking up notes around town that read*

The people have spoken, they have seen through Johnny Walac.
Yet he hides, He does not have his public speaking events as he did before.
He goes back to his Talborean masters a failure. Be wary though citizens!
When one fails to take a city as the fox he must act as the lion, the attacks will continue on the city.
We must hold our resolve in the guards and the King and of course the protectors of the Law.
If you see this Johnny Walac, let him know the people have spoken!

Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:26 pm
by Biggs
Mike wrote:To spread terror is an illegitimate way to rule, something that all men who value truth and honor recognize. Not all are frightened by threats of abuse from those still in power.

Gaius Lucretius
The Britannian Blood Guard
You wish to bring a war onto our hands with the order of law and imperial as a civilian of britain I'd like to know how you tend too protect us against them both, or do you believe those still loyal to the Lord Blackthorn and King british have not informed either religion of what you plan if you was too take over.....

To me and many you will disturb the peace and those who have supported you will be criminals, just like the civilians when imperial took seige of britain, the people who wished to stay and live among them where brandished "criminals" or "supporters" with that only bring segregation and from that becomes racism, fighting, civilian casualties, and poverty.

- Pablo Biggy