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Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:42 am
by Maximilian Lhoth
We, in Law, get often people trying to make fun of us, because we are the authority. These claims typically are about trying to extort 5 carrots and so on.

On people possibly just making fun of Law:

My personal approach to these people is to tell them to take it to me in a private letter, with proof. If they start to badmouth me, I banish them. If it continues by the same person later, I banish, and if it's repetitive nuisance, I confiscate their items and banish them after that.

On Incognito magic:

Another situation is, if I see persons possibly under "incognito magic" in Britain, when there's a hot situation going on, or about to go on, or if there's something otherwise suspicious. I tell them to stay and explain that I will not hurt them, but just see if they are incognito. If they agree, I paralyze them and reveal their identity. If they run, I must use force and confiscate their belongings or banish them. Just recently a person named Eliza Farz, under incognito, which I noticed, was banished by me, and all of a sudden it appeared to be a Birds of Prey member. I use my wits to determine if someone is under incognito. Sometimes I may be wrong, then I naturally apologize for my actions.

Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:54 am
by Quintoz
Indeed, good law work often puts one in jail.

Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:41 am
by Guilmor
So now he admits he did it but he was "Off duty"... pieces are falling into place...
One more thing, there are no small crimes, just crimes.
Hurts more for a poor person to be deprived of 100 gold, then someone that owns 4 houses and fills it with gold to lose a spear, yet, the second one is handled, the first one isnt.

PS: I aplaud your actions mister sebastian, pitty your fellow man wasnt as thorough. Anyway, matters adjurned, i know how to handle this next time, just bring some cloths to clean the blood off the sidewalk.


Re: Law Officers gone bad!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:48 am
by Kent Strider
Friend, I saw the entire ordeal it did not require me at all. Clearly you need to man up.

Kent Strider