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Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:03 am
by Iru Kandji
Five more have been killed. The mighty leader of Tekstone has fallen to our arms along with two more who dared challenge our claim to these lands. The others fled out of our territory as fast as their mounts would take them. Continue to defy our claims and not pay the proper passage fee and you shall be next!

Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:12 am
by Mandos
It's good to know which your group of thrashes robbing potions beyond gems and money.
I'll have more care now, because money and jewels are not so important to me, but don't touch in my precious potions again, Iru K.


Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:51 pm
by Uzriel Raven
Iru Kandji wrote:The land between Trinsic and Britain are now the lawless country. Bandits and robbers of all types roam these wooded areas. The lands between Britain, Yew, Minoc and Vesper are now also considered outlaw land. Travelers beware! If you find your way into these areas you will be accosted by highwayman and relieved of your possessions and probably even your life if you do not pay for passage. If you are found to not have any items you might as well consider yourself dead for passing through these lands and not paying proper tribute. Consider this a first, last and absolute final warning!!!

The Highwaymen Clan
After she managed to stop laughing, giggling, and generally crying tears from the stupidity that was this note, Phiona proceeded to walk to Britain's border. She glanced at a map as she took a few more steps, then stopped. She crouched and drew a line, rolled up her map, and crossed the line.

"Oh may the 'eavens look upon me soul and grant me mercy, for I feel the sheer anarchy as I cross this dreaded border into the dangerous lawless land!" She hopped a step back.

"Oh I'm safe again, the peace is overwhelming my bod-" she stepped over the line again. "Noooo, I feel the fear, I'm shivering in me boots!" Phiona wiggled her toes, her feet bare. She sighed, already bored. "Outlaws me arse, more like special people with sharp sticks and empty pockets."

Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:22 pm
by Quintoz
To bad your little clan allways runs when I show up for the fight.
It's also to bad that your now in jail, your moment of glory lasted for but a fort night.

Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:40 pm
by Darian Darkmind
"Not worthy of my time", a lady shrugs and fades back into the shadows.

Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:13 am
by Iru Kandji
The deaths shall continue. Any found wandering in the lands stated without proper payment will be dealt a quick end. Those that dare to challenge our claims come forth. We have killed you all before we will kill you all again. Your numbers mean nothing to the skill which we wield, tempted to try your luck? Be our guests, you shall fall time and time again. 10,000 gold coins are the price to travel through our lands, if you are caught tresspassing you will be waylaid and removed of your patronage, if you transfer the correct amount your life shall be spared, if not you shall be removed of any possessions you have, killed and left as a rotting corpse. This we swear. .

The Highwayman Clan

Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:27 am
by Kent Strider
*Laughs very loudly*

Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:44 pm
by Uzriel Raven
Retreat once, you lose all rights to boast about skill. I know you run constantly, so shut your damn traps.

Dias Strife

Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:23 pm
by Maximilian Lhoth
I laugh at your empty threats!


Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:28 pm
by Quintoz
Fabious your so weak, don't front when you cannot fight.