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Re: A warning to all citizens.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:43 am
by Maximilian Lhoth
Kerbal, you stated:

"I personally escorted the members of the dastardly guild away from the city and saw to it that they left the island. The guards involved in the incident are being questioned and put under house arrest. They are obviously suspended from their duty as a town guard until the investigation has concluded."

I, Sebastian Lhoth, answer you very critically:

You escorted them away from the city, because you, Imperial, had a pact with BoP, but don't have a pact anymore with BoP. This is because BoP didn't do as you, Imperial, expected them to; they were expected to keep this pact secret. They failed to do so. You are telling most likely the truth, but you left a couple of things unmentioned.

Also I know that Imperial is divided on the robber pact subject. Some members have the honor and oppose pacts with robbers. Some other members are deceitful rats. Every one of you know if you are a deceitful rat or a honorable person. And every member of Imperial most likely knows, which of the members are deceitful rats and which members are honorable persons.


Re: A warning to all citizens.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:22 am
by Vaux27
Let myself, Maven Vaux Abbot of Esuna, end this discussion for the time being then. Our declaration on the subject matter shall be released accordingly on our own time. As it is our custom in the Order of Imperial, we do not answer to unproven truths. To demand such from our Order would be against the morality of the agreed upon peace treaty. I personally suggest the accusing accusations to cease and desist from this point on, as Brother Kerbal has mentioned there is an on-going investigation. In honor of this current peace treaty choose your words very carefully. The Order of Imperial does not wish to cause more bloodshed, but such words as of late does not show of an armistice. It shows of defiance and betrayal of our agreed upon terms.

Further discussions shall be parchment carried by way of pigeon. Public declaration on this matter will soon follow.

May Esuna light your paths,

Re: A warning to all citizens.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:14 pm
by Maximilian Lhoth
Kerbal, you wrote:

"In honor of this current peace treaty choose your words very carefully. The Order of Imperial does not wish to cause more bloodshed, but such words as of late does not show of an armistice. It shows of defiance and betrayal of our agreed upon terms."

I have to ask:

What are the agreed upon terms, between which people, and what do I have to do with the terms you talk about? I want to see absolute proof and exact details on the terms, as well as information on the subject on what is my personal part in it, and absolutely perfect, unmistakeable proof of me being a part of it.


Re: A warning to all citizens.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:08 pm
by Guilmor
How many times did i told you to contact the right person and take this thru the proper channels? how many? you foolish child... Do you not know how to read? Not only did you failed to do so after i told you time and time again, you seem to not be able to notice, the details on the treaty will be given by us when the time comes, i mean its writen right there. I wonder if this was a result of you taking an arrow to the head or something.

You seem to also time and time again lack the tactical knowledge to come here and defend you Order, someone should very urgently take the time and share some enlightenment with you, because you my child, are making more harm then good to yourself.

What happens when you find an animal that can kill? You either destroy it or tame it, easy way out is destroying it, the fair way: you tame it. You dont let it run around in the wild doing what it wants, sure they are bad people but they are still people, its better to have them pinpointed to the proper targets then actually letting them roam wild, its called the greater good, providing them some gold and safety would allow them not to roam freely, it would allow us to keep their rage disciplined, making their targets the enemies of our allies, making your people safer and our people safer. What did you end up doing? You brought this to the public and by doing so, putting in motion the cogs to a result you did not expect. Instead of having these criminals fighting eachother for the good of the people that wanted to mine and work the fields now they run free, to kill undiscriminatly, instead of having them get their blood from Nox and Tekstone, now they will just get their blood from the frist prey they find.

And Im sure your thinking about the incident with the DMS that caused all this, well accidents happen, its how you handle them that makes the difference, you did not let us handle this properly, you had to take decisions public, based on lack of knowledge instead of letting us, that had the power to, put these things to rest. By trying to pin point all the little tiny mistakes in other peoples "painting" you now turned the eyes into your "painting", and what a dreadful "painting" it is. How are you going to explain the innocent people that will now die, in the woods, training, working, that you couldnt assist them when they got slaughtered by BoP because you had Tekstone and Nox on the door of your cities and your temple? You either stay and defend your cities and those poor people outside will die, or you leave and the people in your cities will die. Good tactical move there son.

I hope you at least learned a lesson with this, read things properly, and you follow the advice that those in a better position of knowledge, give you. When someone tells you to take this to the proper channel, you do it, or it might bite you in the ass my son.

Guilmor, Dean

Re: A warning to all citizens.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:27 pm
by Kent Strider
Guilmor I feel as if you a sad weak person, do not EVER align yourselves with straight out criminals. We WILL protect the citizens, worry about your own.

Kent Strider, Law Man

Re: A warning to all citizens.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:32 pm
by Guilmor
Thank you mister Kent: You managed to prove my entire post in 1 sentence, amaizing.

Guilmor, Stronger then you even before you were born.

Re: A warning to all citizens.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:39 pm
by Biggs
What goes on in our Land the ones you so hastly sighned over too Lord Blackthorn too own its none of your business, keep it that way.

And remember the treaty between our Orders is up for renewal soon, choise your actions till then wisely, and bring something to the table in other words bring some Dirt, Sand, Wood, Water and Blood the Elements on wich the foundations of our glourious order of Esuna are built.

- Viven O'Hie

Re: A warning to all citizens.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:49 pm
by Kent Strider
Stronger than me before you were born? Care to prove that statement with a friendly duel?

Kent Strider, The Giggling Barbarian

Re: A warning to all citizens.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:02 pm
by KaneThun
A feel so much hanger in the previous notes. I wonder why this two religions still help eachother when they have different beliefs.

*The note was left unsigned*

Re: A warning to all citizens.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:04 pm
by Kent Strider
A different belief does not automatically entail violence has always been my opinion. We can have different beliefs and still be friends even. It is when they protect full out robbers that our views become towards the path of violence.

Kent Strider, Law Man