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Jail sir Vincent

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:05 am
by Garr Growen

Today imperials priest Tyrion got to attack our temple and killed 2 brothers of nature with the help of sir Vincent who distracted the guards. I wish this man responsible for his doings and I think he deserves to be jailed. He calls himself a druid but still wears necromancers clothe. He is probably a scout for the evil religions of Imperial and Tekstone.


Re: Jail sir Vincent

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:22 am
by aldath c'om
i accept no blames for this actions you stated against me. i did nothing but ask for a staff made of mother earths materials.

-Sir Vincent

Re: Jail sir Vincent

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:19 pm
by Xippy
Helping Imperials in our temple is unacceptable. From now on you are enemy of nature.
Have a nice day.


Re: Jail sir Vincent

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 7:45 pm
by Vaux27
We know not of this man, and I must admit you're all quite paranoid. As you should be, you are never safe within the walls of your temple, at any moment you may perish at the hands of the Imperium and Tekstone.

You brought this upon yourselves.

Maven Vaux
High Mon

Re: Jail sir Vincent

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:29 am
by Xippy
We do not scear your so called Imperium and Cult has been shown their place several times. Empty threats only.


Re: Jail sir Vincent

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:41 pm
by Vaux27
I find it funny then, once more your temple laid bare and men dead all around. I don't expect an old fool who died just the other morning to heed our words, your pain will be great and never ending as a result. You should keep to your herding of sheep, something you know better.

Maven Vaux
High Monk

Re: Jail sir Vincent

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:51 pm
by Evander
It makes me laugh your alliance trying to protect one of your scouts, to not reveal himself. As my fellow knight Xippy said earlier, you have shown your place many times already. If you are weaker than a shepherd, and notice your words is bigger than acts, you should keep guiet. Your scout will be seen as criminal now on.

-The Fortress

Re: Jail sir Vincent

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:43 am
by Vaux27
Empty words mean nothing to us, as I said we do not know of him. While you attempt to march upon Esuna's empire and fail as you did at dusk, remember these as your last dying words. Lesser words will not be tolerated, on behalf of the Imperium, we have spoken.

Maven Vaux
High Monk

Re: Jail sir Vincent

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:44 am
by Johnny Walac
*Leif walks up to the notes and sighs*

Another victim of tyranny. When will it end?

Leif Arnason
The Royal Academy of Music

Re: Jail sir Vincent

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:50 am
by KrondorZuula
When the last of the white and brown coats hit the ground crushed and defeated.

~A X