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Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:20 am
by Tyrion
I would like to let all know whom the true Order of Law really is, which would be murderers! All whom support these scoundrels should know that this group of cut throats execute innocent and poor vendors! Why this very night, I ventured through Moonglow on business with the vendors therein and found the Banker, Stabler, Stable Master, Blacksmithy, Tinkerer and Alchemist merchants slain in their place of work! Pieces of torn cloth bearing the mark of this despicable Order could be seen everywhere! How brave these lot must be to find it necessary to bring death upon such weak and defenseless innocents!

Ye've lost the support of yet another potential loyalist with these acts of barbarism. I charge the Order of Law with low-level skulduggery and cowardice! I spit on yer false Order and the likes of ye which claim to be righteous and pure on the one hand and wield an executioners axe with the other!

~ Scholarly Merchant of Vesper

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:29 am
by Palma
Enough with these silly things to create conversations hm? If you have a problem with a member, discuss with him directly?

Skrin Dagda

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:34 am
by Biggs
When they laid siege on Skara Brea last week, all the vendors and healers were slain on the spot. What is an honest merchant to do when he has no way to trade in his home town. When imperial took over there was no slaying of innocents only those paid to protect the town.

- Skara Brea Farmer.

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:54 am
by Palma
Yea yea, you're just allied to those that spread plagues daily right? You're not to blame? Then again, don't blame the whole for the acts of one.

Enough with these. All it makes is people discuss pointlessly.

Everyone knows already you call Law names, Law calls bad names at you and so on. Don't ignite these things. It's not good for those who arrive to the lands, they feel powerless and far from our reach. People don't like to start their lives in a place of hatred.

Skrin Dagda

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:53 am
by Quintoz
Skrin Dagda... Lord British's beck and call, the executioner and assassin of Law. You speak ill of the Cult and your actions and thoose of your order is magnitudes worse then anything we've ever done and we're suppose to be 'evil'.

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:08 pm
by Palma
Where do you people come up with those titles for us? They are all so fantastic, "Executioner and assassin" Thank ye! Must be based on all the executions and assassinations I've been doing lately right?

...I'm the target now? You guys like to shoot random arrows don't you? See who gets hit and starts discussing with you right?
I am indeed a bit ill but it's getting better thank you! Damn Tekstones all over spreading sickness and decease.

Who else next? Who else has something tedious to say just for the sake of participating in a random discussion? And who's target next? Zarek? Akkarrin? My bets are on Elya. Cause she's so mean.

Skrin Dagda

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:47 pm
by Akkarrin
Absolute rubbish i tell ya! Its a lie! How would a scholary what-cha-ma-call-it from the town of Vesper have a clue whats happening here in Moonglow !! YOU PEOPLE HAVE NO DAMNED IDEA THE OPPRESSION WE SUFFER AT HANDS OF IMPERIAL!!!!!

These attacks are not from any Officer, they are all from the Tekstones, they werent even bothering to sacrifice to their dark god... they were just doing it for fun! I survived by hiding in the backroom as i watched my friends in the stable slaughtered right infront of me!

Perhaps these orange liars should turn their attention to the enemies which they welcomed into their border or preferably bugger off back to Malas and allow our city to return to the peace it once had!

-Anomynous Moonglow Citizen (Anomynous as i dont want the Tekstones or the Imperials to hunt me down)

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:58 pm
by Maximilian Lhoth
I can guarantee what the "anonymous Moonglow citizen" said is true! I was there with him or her when it all happened.

-An anonymous friend of that anonymous Moonglow citizen, who also wishes to remain anonymous for the same reasons

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:20 pm
by Glarundis
So many anonymous people everywhere, from every place and every side. Who are we? The ones who vote blank for the mayor elections? Then blank always wins of course! There are so many of us!
Now, now, enough of these talks, it doesn't even seem real enough. An anonymous person accuses an anonymous person of doing something no one knows about. Then more anonymous people say it's a lie because the first anonymous person is so anonymous that no one knows what he's talking about. I'm not sure if I should go on or I'm smoking too much weed.

-An anonymous person, from an anonymous town in an anonymous world

Re: Murderers in White!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:24 pm
by Darian Darkmind
It is a sad world when the once proud and unwavering Order of Law has succumbed down to the level of lies and deception. The attacks to Moonglow were not by the hand of Tekstone nor was it by the Imperial or any of their other allies. It was the Order of Law and their allies that so pretend to be good and just.

Just two days ago, disguised as a mere peasant I had an conversation with Sebastian Lhoth of Law who made a wise and truthful claim that the only good thing about the alliance between Imperial and Tekstone is the innocent citizens are no longer being harmed. They have acknowledged and know that killing their citizens is not good thing for the image of the saviours the Imperial is trying to build. These are Sebastian's words, not mine. They know the alliance between the Imperial and Tekstone has its benefits securing the innocent citizens of Lord British. They know they haven't had an plague outbreak in a long time or otherwise reports of unjust murders.

It was also during this same conversation when I asked him if the Order of Law has the same kind of "Code of Honor". I inquired are the innocent citizens of Imperial kingdom left unharmed by the Order of Law and their allies as well. Sebastian claimed yes, he said that the Order of Law doesn't harm the Imperial citizens either. He swore I will be save even inside Imperial town and that I will not be considered an enemy of the Law even if I journey or reside in an Imperial town. He swore I have nothing to be afraid of. He claims as long as the people aren't wearing the Imperial color or otherwise act hostile, they will remain unharmed and one day "freed from the tyranny of Imperial". It appears the Order of Law's code of honor was based on a lie and their "freedom" is served through cold blade. These men of white are savages with readiness to take the war as far as it is needed, even to the doors and homes of the innocent citizens... something that the Imperial Alliance will never do.

The Cult of Tekstone might have used questionable methods in the past and the Order of Imperial might have come forward as an relentless conqueror, but those days are long gone. The actions of the Order of Law beg for justice. Their actions itself proof we are on the path of rightness and light whereas the once proud Order of Law have surely sunk to the path of darkness and desperation.

Darian Darkmind