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The death at the First Bank of Britain

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:52 pm
by Thoran
I wish to inform all the members of Law and the city guard of a horrible sight. At the roof of our Bank lies a body of a man. With the corpse are two signs maby giving a hint of his departure. "A bit of shame..." and "But An Eye For An Eye" they read. I believe this is something that must be investigated, and at least the body must be moved from the sight of children.

Thoran Ravenwing

Re: The death at the First Bank of Britain

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:33 am
by Iktomi
Sorry there chap, but that got Ballooners written all over it. We got an understandin' with them... so can't touch it. Just have to wait 'til their message be made, 'n they'll probably move it themselves.

-Cyrus, Second Secretary, City Sanitary Services

Re: The death at the First Bank of Britain

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:18 pm
by Biggs
and why does the leading powers of Britain allow such murders to happen in their home town and do nothing about it. This surly would not happen under Imperials watch!

Citizens you are being fooled by the order of law they do not care for you like I and my brothers and sisters do. Please stand up to these oppressors who do not care about people being murdered on their temples door step, stand by us and we will ensure your safety from any evil doers in the land.

Before any loyal servants to the oppressors mutter a word against an Imperial rule on the main land know this you will be forgiven for such actions. All our current cities have remained in our control and defended on every occasion and all civilians were looked after during such evil times.

- Luke Azevedo, Cleric of Her

Re: The death at the First Bank of Britain

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:33 am
by Masano
The matter is currently under investigation.

We urge anyone with information to contact any member of the Order of Law immediately.

We would also like to reiterate that climbing onto the bank roof is not only illegal but dangerous.

~Order of Law~

Re: The death at the First Bank of Britain

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:57 am
by Kent Strider
Haha, Luke.. I remember informing the Order of Law that it wasn't a good idea to bring you aboard, and what do you know? Just another punk ass traitor like the rest of them. You can talk like your some noble all day long. We all know the truth though really.

~Kent Strider, The Brute

Re: The death at the First Bank of Britain

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:58 am
by Biggs
After I witnessed many murderers go free to wonder and mingle with citizens then turn their back on them to rob and pillage the innocents I swore to protect, I seen it morally correct for me to go home to imperial and fight for the citizens that your order does not fight for I had hoped Zarek would put a stop to this but he kept the same chess pieces as his closest council members that were to blame for the mistakes made in the past instead of demoting them like any true leader of a oh so righteous order would have.

ON your judgment day though Kent I will stand for you when you wish to truly defend the helpless against tyranny and murderers and be a mentor to you in the correct way to deal with murderers than to let them roam free with the towns folk you sworn to protect. If you wish I can take lead on this investigation under the condition the order of law stands down and surrenders all remaining towns to Esuna and admits they are tyrants that do not deserve the rite be called the order of law, this must be publicly announced before I am allowed to enter Britain to investigated the murder scene.

- Luke Azevedo, Cleric of Her

Re: The death at the First Bank of Britain

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:20 pm
by Kerbal
Let us not tarnish this death with politics! Allow the authorities handle their duties.

-Dogeso Burq

Re: The death at the First Bank of Britain

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:46 pm
by Kent Strider
Your words strangely inspire me Luke, we should talk soon.

~Kent Strider, The Brute

Re: The death at the First Bank of Britain

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:44 am
by Iktomi
This is me confirmin' that the aforementioned corpse 's been removed.

The Ballooner's still pissed about their missin' girl, but they made their point.

-Cyrus, Second Secretary, City Sanitary Services

Re: The death at the First Bank of Britain

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:53 pm
by Glarundis
Er...what was the Ballooner's point?

-John Griffith