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A public message from a concerned individual

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:41 pm
by Meghana Arroway
Dear Britannian decision makers, and any whom this may concern...

I have witnessed the act that should be criminalized immediately; the public sale of destruction and death.


Its only function is to cause pain, foaming of the mouth, and death if the victim is lucky. It is a tool for no good or just man, but the likes of those whom we fear when wandering outside the city.

People are robbed, mugged, beaten and slain out there, and these tools we sell for profit in public, only makes the fate of the weak even more horrifying. I for one fear venom.

By selling poison and other destructive concoctions, we as 'honourable folk' actually support criminal activity.

I demand that these potions be made illegal within Britannian borders, and those supporting them murderous mutts be tossed in jail!

With love,

Meghana Arroway
An aspiring bard

Re: A public message from a concerned individual

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:42 pm
by Glarundis
Yes?What about using those potions to kill some rats infesting your house, or even the city's stockpiles?What about using those potions to aid you in the killing of a vile monster?There's nothing wrong with poison itself, unless it is used with the wrong intentions.
If you want to punish people for selling these poison potions, why not punish people who sell knives and cleavers?They might be used to assault someone. Why not punish blacksmiths who craft weapons?After those weapons can be used to assassinate someone. You have to think of these things before just saying something like this.
You could, at best, saying poison potions can help a vile intention come true. But then again, the same is true for any weapon that is being sold.

-Helen White

Re: A public message from a concerned individual

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:34 pm
by Meghana Arroway
Dear ms. White,

I was quite expecting someone to go there. Rats you say? That is just naive. Rats can be disposed of by using far cheaper and easier means, and most of all, means far less lethal to us humans. Using lethal venomous liquids to dispose of rats is like squishing ants with a maul.

Knives and cleavers you say? I have not heard of any trouble concerning knives and cleavers. We who travel need protection. Poison is not such.

Just open your eyes, and see what happens around you. You are no child I am sure. You know of what I speak.

-Meghana Arroway

Re: A public message from a concerned individual

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:47 pm
by Raemonn
The discovery of the connection between the use of bandages and the curing of poisoning is of the utmost important! A ban on the sale and distribution of poison would seriously disadvantage the development of further knowledge on the art of healing!

-A Concerned Citizen

Re: A public message from a concerned individual

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:58 pm
by Ivan
So you insist everyone to give up on poisons? That sounds like madman talking to me, since i've used poisons for my advantage in hunting purposes for a long time and i know its required in some cases when you are hunting a monster of suchs magnitude that they could easily wipe out entire city within seconds. Is there any reason to listen your blabbering? Poisons are very useful tool for hunters and for those who train their arts of healing, we simply cant remove them from public market.


Re: A public message from a concerned individual

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:00 pm
by Meghana Arroway
Your argument is valid, unlike the first one. If a proposition angers you so, perhaps you should seek help. If the use of poison aids in studying and discovering better ways to cure and heal others, it is a proper use of poisons.

Perhaps other means to prevent them murderous mutts from acquiring these mixtures of dangerous sorts could be proposed, then?

-Meghana Arroway

Re: A public message from a concerned individual

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:04 pm
by Ivan
I must admit that idea would be comfortable for all of us, but since there are those merchants around that do what ever they wish for their money. Also its not too hard to hire a shady person to get the goods you need for yourself, there is quite a lot people with professions that require learning of arts of healing so basicaly nearly anyone could pick them for someone else. Also creating poisons is required for the alchemists progress in his profession so they wont most likely do it for no profit either even if it belongs to their training. So currently its impossible restrict poisons being used for wrong purposes.

So all in all, there cant be a change made towards this matter.


Re: A public message from a concerned individual

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:14 pm
by Glarundis
So my argument isn't valid, unlike Felissa's?When I myself have mentioned hunting.. You probably just want to ruin some people's lives. I myself will continue to sell poison potions until my superiors order me not to. My business is to sell potions to those who require them. I would prefer if they didn't use it for evil doings, but I can't be the judge of that. My arguments remain. No one can know for sure that he is selling a maul and it won't be used to murder someone. Yet, it is fair for the blacksmith to sell such a weapon.

-Helen White

Re: A public message from a concerned individual

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:19 pm
by Meghana Arroway
If an alchemist's livelihood is based purely on the sale of poison...

It is rather shady, no?

No one wishes for your livelihoods to be ruined. It is narrow-minded and silly to even suggest such. The economy would not suffer if new laws would be written to make the world a safer place.

-Meghana Arroway

Re: A public message from a concerned individual

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:22 pm
by Glarundis
I said my business was to sell potions, not to sell JUST poison potions.
I also said I'd prefer if those same potions weren't used with evil intentions, but I can't be the judge of that.

-Helen White