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Gentlemen of Wealth and Taste - House Looking

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:55 pm
by Johnny Walac
Greetings lords and ladies of Felucca,

I am on a house hunt at the moment. Our club Gentlemen of Wealth and Taste require a fine mansion or estate to have our weekly meetings in. If you are in need of gold and wish to sell your house, contact me.

Kaloc T'eldom
Gentlemen of Wealth and Taste

Re: Gentlemen of Wealth and Taste - House Looking

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:13 pm
by Adram
Just a friendly tip.
I have noticed a very large mansion in serpents hold that may be of interest to you.

- Adram

Re: Gentlemen of Wealth and Taste - House Looking

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:24 pm
by Johnny Walac
Greetings Adram,

Thank you for the tip but it is not something we are interested it. The way to Serpent's Hold requires a most bothersome boat ride. I imagine after a few boat rides the salt would make us look like a bunch of weary sailors! A house on land should suffice.

Kaloc T'eldom
Gentlemen of Wealth and Taste

Re: Gentlemen of Wealth and Taste - House Looking

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:38 am
by Kenyon Ahearn

And how many containers of secure storage would suffice?



Re: Gentlemen of Wealth and Taste - House Looking

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:20 am
by Johnny Walac
Greetings Nathe,

I am looking for a house with a lockable room. Plenty of secure chests, lets say ten to fifteen. But if the location is splendid, the amount of secures is something I can ignore. The more the merrier though.

Kaloc T'eldom
Gentlemen of Wealth and Taste

Re: Gentlemen of Wealth and Taste - House Looking

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:40 am
by Garr Growen

There are some large mansions sale in the city of Jhelom. The location is quite good since you can access all the world trough moongate near the center or by boat from shipyard. I just moved in there a while a go and my friends are about to set up a rune keep in there too, so it's a cozy and quickly developing town.

-Expert blacksmith Joseph Sanders-