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Addressed to Head Priest of Nature

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:38 pm
by Sylus
*Sylus walks to the bulletin board, pulls out a piece of parchment from his worn book that has seen better days and begins to scribble a note*

I, Sylus, am requesting an audience with the Head Priest of Nature. We have much to discuss....

*he draws a blank and does not want to write too much for fear his worn piece of parchment may not hold up in the weather*

*tacks the note up to the bulletin over top the clutter in hopes it will find its way to the right person. Quickly scribbles his location at the bottom 658-375-935*

Addressed to Head Priest of Nature

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:31 am
by Alcaeus
*Kleitos notices this note and looks around briefly. Finding an old, long outdated note, he takes it flips it over and scrawls out a note as well slightly to the right of the previous note posted here as non-intrusive as possible*

I would also like to request an audience with the Head Priest of nature.

If at all possible please send contact information to the coordinates 169-493-667.
Thank you,
-Kleitos Alcaeus

Re: Addressed to Head Priest of Nature

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:35 am
by ~LiQUidPoWEr~
*beneath the note is a small depiction of a squirrel, wearing a nut shell for a helmet and wielding a twig like a sword. The squirrel is shouting "NAAAATUUUUURE"*

Re: Addressed to Head Priest of Nature

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:43 am
by Ondoher
Gaeas favourite seems to have little interest in this. Sylus and Kleitos, i would reconsider my needs to have an audience with these woodsmen. There is always someone you can talk with in Moonglow. Her grace will take you in her warm embrace once you take a step towards Glow. I am ready to talk with you about everything you need to know. I will teach you in her ways.


Re: Addressed to Head Priest of Nature

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:39 am
by Palma
So you know now how we feel now in Nature too? Sylus was contacted immediately after his request. The same way Mr. Kleitos will be now.

For someone who requests peace with Nature and breaks every rule agreed the next day... don't you think that getting in the middle of people who contact us is a bit too much? Have you no shame? No self respect?

Lila North

Re: Addressed to Head Priest of Nature

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:09 pm
by Xippy
Imperialists have no shame. If anyone want to speak with you they find their way to that lonely island of moonglow.

~Xippy The Exarch of Nature

Re: Addressed to Head Priest of Nature

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:36 pm
by Tyrion
Shame. . . Last I remember, it was the brown-coated tree dwellers that shamed themselves for the foreseeable future by heeding the call of their masters, like the whipped dogs they are, against the Imperium on the streets of Trinsic. Ye want to talk of of honor and self-respect, ye lot have since lost it from that day hence. Start there and then yer words might carry weight in the future.

Should ye, 'up-standing and righteous' lot deem it necessary to require a history lesson, please continue to encourage such saber-rattling dialogue and witness the repercussions that should follow.


Re: Addressed to Head Priest of Nature

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:02 am
by Palma
WAR!!! Thats what you want right? WAR!! Everything gets solved with war! YOU break the rules, You get in the way of our new members and if we complain we WAR!

Thats your whole school right? A missunderstanding?? Lets go to WAR! Let's solve our problems with war!

Have you no brains at all?

Lila North

Re: Addressed to Head Priest of Nature

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 10:30 am
by Zaradon
Lila, you dont need to waste time for the corrupted ones.
Ignorance is the best way to overcome a personal attack.

As we know they've been allied to the Cult, it's very high-likely that the corruption has been fed up into the followers of Imperial and their interests are pretty much similar to Dennac's wish.

There's high likely a chance for Imperials one day, to crawl into the Dennac's cave and start sharing their cave.

But as for the looks, Order of Nature stands. They can come, kill, slay our town - but know that, you're only here for meterialistic interests, you care for nothing but items and gold. Our sols will stay here forever, our forest and temple will never fall.

Said that, it is only a proven fact that Order of Nature is the most present and friendly religion out there.

Prophet of Nature

Re: Addressed to Head Priest of Nature

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:01 pm
by Raphael
Like Zabren said, don't get involved in their pettiness, it just shows how desperate they are. Besides, Imperialist never pose a threat that's why they had to ally with the Tekstone, they don't move out of Moonglow.

Bishop of Gaea