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The Fourth Alþing Parliament of The Clock Masters Union

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:51 pm
by Frog Morton
[Please if you have not been given a seat in Parliament or Congress do not post.]

*Frog Morton smoking on his pipe walks to the podium*
*After clearing his bowl he quickly unscrews the holy Kanastor and adds some nicely ground wizard weed to his pipe*

*quickly taking a large hit Frog begins to speak while trying not to cough*
More than 2 million people in the world suffer from hunger; and 1.2 million of them live within the kings lands.
That being said I would like to propose a Morton to blacklist the following people for the following reasons.
Vonnie Agora, for crimes against the state pertaining to disruption of state economic policies.
Rio Warren for General Rio activities.

*the room fills with smoke as the members light up to decide on the issue*

Re: The Fourth Alþing Parliament of The Clock Masters Union

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:32 pm
by Maeros Gouranga
Jasmein slipped a vial of off-white power into her robes. As the cloud of smoke floated into the rafters, she rose from her seat with it.

"The time was 3:19 when this collective was first formed by you honorable delegates. Now the clock approaches a quarter, maybe half past 5, and the people of Britannia still live in squalor, perpetuated by the Bourgeois ruling class put in place by the regime of Lord British. I call this committee to action: We must neutralize the enemies of the state, neutralize the rape of the lower classes, and above all neutralize the authoritarian regime which still holds sway over these lands."