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The Final Solution

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 2:55 pm
by Darion al'Ferran
There are those that think that the Order of Law is letting the Tealboreans run free in our lands and since nobody seems to take our word for it we shall share with you evidence of our resolve. After Castiel was posted to guard the fields the reports of attacks have gone down considerably and I hope with this piece of evidence you will see that we are out there and fighting them and that any citizen that take up arms against them shall be rewarded with our respect and gratitude.




We have at this time managed to capture their necromancer Grolik in wrong for a second time and as a warning if anybody is caught trying to save him you will be seen as an enemy of the Order and will be treated as such.

Darion al ferran, Head priest of Law

Re: The Final Solution

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:11 pm
by Johnny Walac
Order of Law is launching attacks against Telborea and their fair citizens.
But our Kingdom is stronger then ever. We shall fight back the invaders to finally reach Law and Order.
A haven for all citizens to live in peace.

Thoeak Milner
King of Telborea

Re: The Final Solution

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:17 pm
by Quintoz

Re: The Final Solution

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 4:39 pm
by Foxwood
I am rather glad to hear about this, not that I would wish for the demise of anyone. I am only happy to see that the Order of Law is in our midst, doing what they are meant to do, unlike the now common belief. I know I have had my doubts about the Order myself, but it would truly seem that the tables are turning now. I pledge my support to those who can protect us, and keep the lands we harvest, safe. Is the Telborean Kingdom truly diminishing so quickly?

Despite the dress that he wears, fooling me until now, the priest Darion al'Ferran is stronger than I had ever imagined.

Thank you.

Alastor W.