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Election Time

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:45 pm
by Johnny Walac
Lord British has agreed for an election as the role for King of Felucca. He is an honorabel man and only wish for what the people want.

Vote for Johnny Walac for a secure and healthy environment. The taxes shall be lowered with 10% and I shall personally make sure every good citizen gets a job.

The time for brigands and thieves is over. I will post my own personal guard around the city to ensure your saftey in our fair Kingdom.

We shall once again enter the gold age. The age of heroes and pride.

Vote for Johnny Walac, be a part of the new world.

Johnny Walac

Re: Election Time

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:20 am
by Zendrick
The king has his crown by noble right dear Sir. His royal blood is what allows him to hold the throne i would at first need to see a crested documentation of your royal linage before even allowing you to run in this 'election'


Concerned Citizen

Re: Election Time

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:22 am
by Mike
An election implies choice, therefor tyranny is intrinsically out of the question good citizen.

-Gaius Lucretius

Re: Election Time

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:24 am
by Johnny Walac
I am son of Joseph Walac. Who in turn was son of Roffe the RDD. How dare you question my royalty?

The king has his crown cause his forefathers won it in battle. But now every battle is not on the fields.

The people shall have a choice.

Vote for Johnny Walac.

Johnny Walac

Re: Election Time

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:00 am
by Aerius
Scratches out his previous post

Re: Election Time

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:26 am
by Darian Darkmind
The king's crown was not won on a battlefield. It was both taken by force, yet earned from the people. You're as much of a royal blood as I am... besides, what would you do better? You own no army, no guards, no wealth to defend the land, you're just a farmer far, way too far and lost from his home.
The History of the Lord British, Britannia and Sir Winchester
-By the Historian

In the early dawn of the Ninth Circle the world was a cruel place. The battle of sibling gods Dennac and Gaea, had left world into a black blaze of dust where nothing grew. The once tall walls of the capital were torn down and, homeless, the men of Sosaria were forced into run, into anarchy.

There were only a few hundred, far less than a thousand men left - some call them lucky to survive, other felt pity. Though they were a dying breed, one man saw potential and hope in the remaining few. His name was Richard British, once a noble knight who had fought and survived against Dennac's army. Now, like everyone else, he too was on the run. In disgust he watched and saw the men lying, deceiving, stealing and murdering to safe their own skin. Although Dennac himself had pulled back, Richard saw that if nothing changed the men themselves would finish the job and destroy themselves.

And so Richard watched and sought out those who he saw fit and strong. There were still a few knights and mages of the old war alive. Although their numbers were less than a hundred, only numbering in tens, they were stronger and skilled to unite arms to force order into the remaining race of men.

The people poor and sick, they saw Richard as a tyrant forcing them into slavery, to build new walls, to plough new seeds and to train day after day. The life, indeed, was hard, but there was only a little they could do against Richard and his small party of knights and mages as they were the only ones possessing any kind of weaponry.

It took moons of hard work and the lives of many sick men until the foundation of the new capital, Britain named by Richard, was built. People had soon accepted Richard as their leader, although still considered a tyrant they knew he did what was necessary to ensure a future to the race of men. After the men accepted that fact and picked up the roles set to them, the live was already easier.

For years the hard work continued but, like always, hard work bore fruit. The race of men was getting back on its feet. The numbers grew higher and, although still little, there was food for everyone to survive.

Although Dennac had left them alone for years, to watch them kill each other, Richard knew that the threat of Dennac was far from over and as such he began training for new knights. It was then Richard was finally nominated the king Lord British the First.

Days and moons, years passed by and the race of men grew stronger. Like always the years spare no one and Lord British grew older. It was time for his retirement and his son took over the throne. Lord British the Second was set to lead.

It was the son that finally finished building the fortifications and the walls of the Castle of Britain. It was also his actions to rename the one Sosaria into Britannia, to reflect that men had survived and grew from the war. Also during his time new settlements were founded around Britannia. Time passed by and like his father, it was time for Lord British the Second to hand over the grown to his son, the Lord British the Third.

Decades passed and it had already been close to a century since the Great War. The numbers of men were grown to thousands and the past was nothing but an old song echoing in the taverns, a story told down to naughty children. More settlements were found and Britannia grew fertile. Tall trees covered the once dark and burnt ground below and the world looked untouched by war.

Centuries passed by, decades after decades and a king after king the kingdom grew larger and stronger. Even the mother god Gaea had returned and re-established his old Order of Nature in the woods of Yew. The life was good and the the Great War that almost annihilated the whole race of men was long forgotten.

It wasn’t before the Lord British the Eighth that the worst nightmares, the forgotten tales, came true again and the Lord of Destruction, the god Dennac himself, returned to Britannia. Furiously, with no hesitation he revealed his greatest weapon of all, the one he had prepared for hundreds of years, the Tek-stone. It was a black stone shining of darkness able to corrupt any man who dared to look at it.

However, with the men united under the banner of Britannia, blessed by the virtues the task seemed to be harder than Dennac had first anticipated. The stone seemed to have no effect and Dennac was forced to use other means. He gathered an army of daemons lead by a vicious general, The Dark Apostle.

Lord British the Eight noticed this and saw Dennac’s presence as a big threat. Although Dennac had no followers and the virtues held the people together, Lord British knew the history very well and appointed his first paladin to take command and end Dennac's rising before it even began. Sir Winchester was named to lead the army of Britannia into the battle against Dennac, to destroy the vicious Tek-stone, to slay the daemons and push Dennac back to shame.

On preparations a miracle seldom witnessed was seen. Gaea, the mother of Nature herself, descended down from the heavens to bless Sir Winchester and his blade. It has been said that a bright white aura shone around Winchester as he kneeled down to honor the mother of nature, as he prepared to fight against the dark lord Dennac.

And so, with Sir Winchester lead, after centuries the men marched to war. Hundreds of well trained knights engaged to a furious battle. But what the men did not know was the Dark Apostle appeared more than a simple daemon. His blade teen feet long the daemon stood a formidable foe. Striking fear upon his enemies the daemon was able to slice ten men with a single strike. Arrows and steel did no harm on his hardened skin and no man was able to stand against his force and survive.

The battle wasn't looking too good. Sir Winchester lost more and more men against the Dark Apostle. The daemon noticed Sir Winchester and rushed towards him. Slicing and slaying tens of men the Dark Apostle stood face to face with Winchester. The daemon 15 feet tall, Winchester appeared as no threat. Many saw the fight lost and were already turning around to retreat, but it was then another miracle happened. The Dark Apostle struck his black sword with all his power against Winchester and, where everyone else faced their death, Winchester stood ground. The daemon blade did no harm to him. Surprised by the miracle Winchester rushed forwards. Like a lightning he swung his sword, wounding the daemons arms, legs. His sword cut through the daemon's skin like butter.

The Dark Apostle was more than surprised, he was terrified. Who was this man and how was he able to harm him remained a mystery to him. Winchester pushed forwards, attacking from the flank he struck his sword deep into the daemons side. The daemon stood no chance against Sir Winchester and was forced to retreat. Wounded deeply the daemon fell back to the Tek-stone. The beast kneeled down, laughing he laid his arms down to the stone preparing to sacrifice himself to further power the stone. Sir Winchester saw this and through the battlefield he rushed towards the stone. The dark aura of the stone was hurting Winchester but it never slowed him down. With a swift leap to the air, Winchester prepared his sword and disappeared to the mist of the black stone.

A thunder cracked through the sky and a quick flash of bright light shone through the dark Tek-stone. Winchester had slashed his sword through the stone. A complete silence followed and a shockwave pulling towards the stone was felt on the battlefield. A moment later the stone imploded into nothing, and followed by another moment exploded to a thousand pieces all thrown across the battlefield. The shockwave of the explosion threw all men on the ground. The daemon army shrieked in pain and turned to retreat.

The men slowly stood up. Victorious they yelled of glory, of Winchester's name, but no one was able to see him. Where the Tek-stone stood, only the Dark Apostle laid wounded, unable to move. Sir Winchester had disappeared. Some say the Tek-stone trapped him inside, but his spirit was too strong for the stone to beat and as such it exploded. Some believe Gaea interfered and pulled out Winchester before any harm was caused to him. Some say he died a hero, sacrificing himself to destroy the stone. Whatever the case may be, the daemon armies were defeated due to Winchester's bravery.

With Winchester gone, The Dark Apostle, although wounded, appeared once again immortal. The army of men tried to end his life with swords and magic, but nothing seemed to penetrate his skin. Even if they were unable to kill him, they couldn't let him live and as such they sealed and hid him away with strong magic somewhere deep where he would suffer for the rest of eternity.

The remaining army of men returned to Britain. With cheers, songs and cries of victory the men were received heroes. However, one man of great status never returned, Sir Winchester. Although his body was never found, Lord British the Eight assembled his most loyal knights to lay down the memory of Winchester, to honor him with the greatest of ceremonies and burial.

As the knight stood still, proud and brave, honoring the memory of their general, sir Winchester, something that had never happened before, happened. A bright light shone over the castle of Britain, over all the knights and they felt warmth and peace. It appeared Winchester wasn't all gone after all. For as long as one of his knights honors his memory, his heritage and his name he will live on through the knight's actions and blade.

To make sure Winchester was never forgotten, to make sure he lived on Lord British the Eight established a new order, the Order of Law. An order where the strongest and most just and pure of all knights joined arms to ensure Dennac will never step foot on the soil of Britannia again. And so it happened. The Order of Law was established and with the spirit of Sir Winchester in them all they were stronger than Dennac could ever be. Their pure will and readiness to sacrifice themselves in the name of good made them the strongest force Britannia had ever beheld.

To ensure the Tek-stone will never be rebuilt, the small pieces were gathered and sealed to safety all around Britannia. However, not all were able to resist the tempting call of the small dark stone. No, some men foolishly hid some pieces for themselves where it slowly corrupted their mind and allowed them to hear Dennac's calling. The rumors of a secret cult, the Cult of Tekstone spread amongst the people of Britannia quickly as a plague.

This however strengthened the will of the people to stand united and fight together. For ever since Dennac has tried to spread his vicious plagues, lies and corruption above the men of Britannia with the dread Cult of Tekstone, but rest assure for as long as even one knight of the Order of Law has a sword within his reach and Winchester’s spirit as his guide, Dennac will never gain control over Britannia!

Or so they believed. Everything went well and the Order of Law held up to its promise. It wasn't before a new force was introduced, Esuna and with her the new Order of Imperial. With the rival king Lord Blackthorne's help, Imperial grew to a formidable foe to be reckoned. And so it was, while fighting against the Imperial uprising, Dennac was able to backstab and wound the spirit of Winchester. Without Winchester's aid Lord British was left vulnerable and his live was stolen by the murderous Lord Blackthorne.

Once again the war took another turn to worse and nothing was certain. Weakened, the Order of Law was forced to sign an alliance with the Cult of Tekstone promising aid and revenge. Pretending to be their friends the cult helped Law in the war against Imperial. However, in secrecy Dennac plotted a new attack and while the Order of Law and Tekstone fought side-by-side, Dennac was given time to seek out and corrupt the Tree of Life hidden deep within the Imperial grounds, in the moon Malas. By corrupting the tree the moon Malas was ripped to pieces. Tekstone's promise to help Order of Law in their crusade against Imperial was fulfilled by the destruction of Malas and Imperial.

Although Imperial was destroyed, in the process the pieces of Malas caused a rain of fire pouring down above the men of Britannia. There was nothing Order of Law could do the stop the fire. One by one, towns were lost and with the treachery of Tekstone, Order of Law soon fell powerless. Against all odds Dennac prevailed victorious.

Although Winchester was wounded and disappeared, although Lord British murdered and although the Order of Law was betrayed and beaten it has been said that one day Winchester shall return to once again lead his men against Dennac.

Re: Election Time

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:29 am
by Johnny Walac
I am the richest man in the Kingdom. Well known in politics and I am of royal blood.

Vote Johnny Walac.

Re: Election Time

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:17 am
by Biggs
Show us all a scroll bearing the late king british's seal and one may believe his stepping down even so what is an election with one option... you sir may face tough oposition from the lords whom were cast out of britain and hold a more formidable force and wealth. If law cannot protect the people in his absence I'm sure lord blackthorn will take his rightous place in her name on the throne and ensure the security of the markets, land and of the people. I am almost certain a gracious jewel like britain will benefit the people more under her formidable orange glow

- Viven O'Hie, Bard of Her

Re: Election Time

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:16 am
by Quintoz
This election is that of the Lord's choosing, it is time to vote who will be the next ruler of this land.

Re: Election Time

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:24 pm
by Johnny Walac
*Several men gathered outside the castle*

We do not accept tyranny! Let the people choose! Down with Lord British the tyrant!