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I have been robbed

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:49 am
by Mackean
Today while i was stealing flax from lord british's fields i was aproached by a man in red clothing. From what i gather, he had an onyx spear and demanded i payed a tax of 15000, i merly had 180 gold coins which i handed over to the man and after he split me in two he stole my carrots. I decided to make my way to britains bank so i can grab some cabage i had stored in my bank box to feed Bob, my horse, and decided to give a discription of the man to one of the town guards. He told me to look at the drawings posted on the bounty board and it turns out he goes by the name of Iru Kandji.

I would like to remind all of those that care that I am a noble bowyer who earns just about enough for food and shelter and if it were not for the donations made to britains market, i would be robeless too so if you could find it in your heart Mr Kandji, please may i have my carrots back.


Re: I have been robbed

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:16 am
by Iru Kandji
Gave them all to your horse, poor sod ran himself ragged running. Thought he deserved them more.

Iru Kandji, Telborean Tax Man

Re: I have been robbed

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:20 am
by Mackean
That cheeky bugger, he's not getting any supper tonight even if the high priest of nature orders me to feed him. Bob will be recieving a much needed spanking tonight!


Re: I have been robbed

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:27 am
by Quintoz
I'll go on the record and note that this man has no connection with the Telborean Kingdom as he claims.
