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To the Citizens of Britain

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:09 pm
by Aerius
*Aerius walks up to the boards and posts a note*

Attention Citizens of Britain,

As I am sure, citizens, you're aware of our limited presence around town. This has made you all uneasy and skeptical of our abilities to protect our lands. I can assure you, with your help, the Order of Law will no longer be a whisper in the ears of thieves and robbers, but a sharp force that silences their tongues.

The Order of Law is undergoing some drastic changes in the up coming weeks, and we're looking for new members to fill our ranks. This is not limited to just those who are Priests, for we would like to see all those adventures who wish to serve in the protection of our city and its good heart-ed people. Only those with pure intentions may join, and call themselves loyal servants of Winchester and the people of Britain.

Let me remind you, we do not except those that follow the path of the Necromancer. In addition we are not accepting Merchants into our Order, that being said we are willing to extend an alliance with Merchant based guilds. In exchange for your services, we can provide escort protection to those resources that are too dangerous for you to gather on your own.

I extend my apologies for our late failures in protecting you against those that have been robbing you of your belongings and your faith in us. I pray you to once again trust us, and enlist your able bodies, hearts, and minds in our Order. Under the wisdom and strength of Winchester, we can defeat our enemies and regain peace in our cities.

Signed by the Order of Law,
Priest Aerius