Natures Attack

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Natures Attack

Post by Azrael »

The Order of Law feels the general public should be aware of the situation.

Today, the Order of Nature defended Quinta Antonius for attacking a harmless citizen about accusations they were unable to provide proof for and ended up attacking many other citizens aswell as the Order of Law.

Order of Nature demanded we hand over an innocent women to them so they can do what they wish to her, in the eyes of the Order of Law she has not harmed anyone and we will stand by that decision until proof is found.

The Order of Nature has been deemed criminals and are not allowed in any Lord British's towns and are to stay away from them. Any actions dealt with them attacking you, please notify the Order of Law and we will come in full force to bring justice to these confused men and women in the Order of Nature.

It is with my deepest sorrow to see Gaea's servants being so hostile, but if they are to continue to bring hostility to Lord British's people they will stay criminals in the eyes of Lord British.

-Azrael, Elder Priest of Law
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Daren Priesten
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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Daren Priesten »

*tacks below*

Officer, your judgement here seems clouded. We have eye witness accounts of this "innocent citizen" attacking one of our emissaries, we have the right to defend our temple from anyone, be it citizens of Lord British. We would have preferred to take a more diplomatic solution but the impostor wouldn't respond to words.


Daren Priesten, Cardinal of The Order of Nature
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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Azrael »

Daren, I have spent time with you before and I trust your judgement and wise words in many different occasions. To this day, I still think about some of the wisdom you have shown and given me and for that I would like to have this settled.

The time we spent before I became an Officer, I found alot of respect for you and if you would grant me the time, I would like to meet and discuss this situation. I would like to ask of you to bring that evidance you have so we can declare this a misunderstanding and have this resolved.

-Azrael, Elder Priest of Law
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Daren Priesten
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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Daren Priesten »

I am humbled, you only needed to act and I understand you are doing your duty as an Elder Priest of Winchester, but I assure you our members do not mean any harm to your order or citizens, our retaliated actions were only in self defense. Please let us discuss this ordeal.


Daren Priesten, Cardinal of the Order of Nature
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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Bruce »

a old man walks to the notice board... and reads... pulls out a pen and writes

This meeting should be made public... to see if order of nature actions were injust...
I think the people of britain should also judge your actions...

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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Akkarrin »

Even if this woman did attack your emmissary, which after investigating myself i find her presence in Yew suspicous but there is no conclusive evidence or proof that she did attack an Emmisary.

You do not send a mercanary and a Barabarian to kill her with no mercy on the outskirts of Britain. You contact the order of Law first.

She was a citizen under our protection whom had not been convicted of any crime by our laws. If you wished to raise charges against her you had every oppurtunity to do so to an officer.

And when an Officer attempts to stop this lawless murder by a mercanary, you do not then join in and attack the officer.

i have been informed that Simmo wishes to declare peace again, this shall be dicussed more once our head priest can be informed of the situation

-Akkarrin, Second in Command of Law
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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Daren Priesten »

Akkarrin, at least look at our history together as Orders. Would we just randomly attack a citizen? Our past has shown this not to be so. Grant us this understanding that this individual did enter out temple and attacked our emissary. If anything we should interrogate the person responsible and find a motive for such an action.


Daren Priesten, Cardinal of the Order of Nature
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Johnny Walac
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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Johnny Walac »

I personally confronted Rosita as she was trying to flee from our Temple. The very thought that Order of Law protects a person like this is beyond me. I thought Order of Law defended those pure to this circle and not criminals. Our actions were legit and Law should not interfere in this. The crime took place in The Free City of Yew and we demand you hand over the criminal to us, so she could be judged in The Yew House of Justice. If Order of Law continue to harbor this criminal we will have no other choice but too punish those who defend her. Today you have defied the creator of this circle but it is not to late to make up for your mistake. Hand over the criminal before Gaea once again gives the command of war.

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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Johnny Walac »

Let me make this clear. An attack on a emissary of Nature is an attack on Gaea herself. All those who are involved in this attack shall be given no mercy.

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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Akkarrin »

Johnny last i checked you are granted no powers by your god. perhaps thats a sign...

and i have evidence you did not talk to her which i have provided to your head priest, you noticed one of your emmies had been attacked in Yew (allegedly i have still yet to see evidence of that part) at which point you tracked this person by the moongate in yew, you said halt in the name of gaea, she stood still Alus cast Conflaguration and you killed her.

and then you came to Britain to do the exact same thing again, if i get permission from the victim i shall post this evidence here and leave people to make up their own minds if this was legit. i can guarantee it shall go very badly for you Johnny...

and i am still waiting on evidence that one of your Emmies had been attacked at all.

Darren, Johnny is making a mockery of your order there was no dicusssion there was no proof there was no reason. If you have conclusive evidence that she did do wrong please feel free to show it to me, but i will not hand someone over on Johnny's word which by the way is worth naught to men lords and gods alike.

-Akkarrin, Second in Command of Law
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